Team Assessment FREE for your team

Team Assessment FREE for your team

Team assessment has become crucial as teams have become the essential elements of the complex and interdependent work of the 21st century. And yet, a majority of the focus of management and HR is on assessing and improving the performance of individuals.

Does individual performance translate into outstanding team performance? We can put some of the best individual performers on a single team. Does that guarantee that they will perform well together as a team? As we may have seen in sports teams and work teams, it does not work out that way. The teams that look great on paper fail to perform well as a team.

Almost all organizations have some measures, tools, or processes for individual performance. Very few organizations have systematic tools or measures to gauge the performance of the teams as a whole.

How to assess the performance of teams?

Google was on a similar quest to find out what makes work teams effective? They spent 2 years, millions of dollars, their immense brainpower, and their analytics ability to find answers.

What did Google mean by the team, and how is it different than workgroups?

In simple terms, workgroups are people based on organizational hierarchy, with individual goals and accountability.

While Teams are highly interdependent, they need one another. They plan, share tasks, solve problems, make decisions, and review progress for specific projects.

How would you define team effectiveness?

Effectiveness may be subjective. If you ask the top management what makes the team effective – they may be most concerned with results (e.g., sales or production numbers or product launches, etc.).

If you ask the team members, they may consider team culture as the most important team effectiveness measure.

The team leader may be right in between these two opposite points of view – a team leader’s perspective may include both results and concern for the well-being of team members.

Google decided to include these multiple perspectives in their definition. They included both quantitative and qualitative measures to have a comprehensive definition of effectiveness.

What factors impact team effectiveness?

Google spent two years and spent millions of dollars and resources – conducted over 200 interviews, studied 180 real work teams, considered 250+ variables (team composition and dynamics), and used Google’s immense intellect and computing power to run statistical and other analytics models to hone down on factors that impact team effectiveness.

These are the five factors that impact team effectiveness

  1. Impact
  2. Meaning
  3. Structure & clarity
  4. Dependability
  5. Psychological Safety

We offer team health assessments based on these five factors. This anonymous assessment allows your team to understand their strengths and improvement areas. And establish a starting point.

You can gauge How does your team fare in the five areas.

Here is a Sample Team Assessment report

Team coaching post team assessment to improve team effectiveness and performance

Google found that an external facilitator or a skilled coach can facilitate the conversation around the team survey results. Internal people have an emotional history (baggage) and consequences (impression management, performance issues, etc.) These issues prevent team members from opening up, speaking freely, or be objective about the discussions. An external facilitator, a skilled coach, can help set the right mindset and guide the team through a structured process and healthy practices. Now there is a caveat. Unless managed properly by a trained external facilitator – these discussions may sometimes open up a can of worms and end up doing more harm than good.

Our Team Coaching to improve Team Effectiveness

  1. Team Health Assessment
  2. Report Generation
  3. Team Coaching Session
  4. Team Action Plan
  5. Behavior Change at Work

Our team coaching process provides guaranteed and measurable improvements around the five factors or team effectiveness. And the improvement is as rated anonymously by your team. The team coaching process is both time and resource-efficient. The team doesn’t need to leave work to attend “training programs” or go for an outbound team-building retreat. It takes about 1 to 1.5 hours to time per month. In fact rest of the time, the team is applying the learning at work and improving team effectiveness.

Free team assessment for your first team

We are happy to offer this assessment for your first team complimentary – Normally a $299 value. You can gauge the health of your team and establish a baseline. We can deliver this anywhere in the world – wherever your team is – in the office, at different locations of working from home.

Schedule an exploratory 15-minute conversation with our leadership adviser today

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