Leadership Assessments


We offer a variety of Leadership assessments in multiple languages deliverd virtually across the world.

Global Leadership Assessment GLA 360

The Global Leadership Assessment (GLA360) is a 360 leadership assessment rooted in groundbreaking research conducted by Marshall Goldsmith (#1 Leadership Thinker and Executive Coach), involving CEOs of Fortune 100 companies, global thought leaders, and international business executives of organizations on 6 continents.

Whereas most leadership assessments are created by a coach or statistician, the GLA360 the first and only leadership assessment in the market created by multinationals for multinationals.

The GLA360 articulates and measures the top 15 most pressing competencies for today’s global leader. It shows leaders the areas they need to develop to succeed in a competitive business environment.

Emotional Intelligence Assessments

The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Short Form (TEIQue-SF) is a robust measure of emotional intelligence, which takes just 5 minutes to complete. The leadership assessment provides a snapshot of overall emotional functioning, managing relationships, emotional control, and response to pressure.

Use TEIQue-SF to:

The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) was developed and is continually updated, by K. V. Petrides, Ph.D. at his London Psychometric Laboratory, currently based at UCL. It is one of the world’s best-researched and most widely applied psychometric instruments.

Identifying High Potentials

The High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) helps identify leadership potential by exploring a person’s personality traits and provides insight into how suitable they may be for a given job role or position, such as senior executive leadership. The assessment is easy, but you’ll gain a comprehensive report of the individual’s potential by completing the test. By understanding someone’s personality and how this interacts with a particular function or role, you can work with them to develop their strengths and areas for improvement. Hence, they reach their full potential in the work to which they are well suited.

HPTI for Leadership Potential supports your existing leaders in becoming the best they can be and gives you an objective tool to identify and nurture your next generation of leaders.

Use HPTI for Leadership Potential to:

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Personality Profile Assessment

HPTI for Leadership Potential supports your existing leaders in becoming the best they can be and gives you an objective tool to identify and nurture your next generation of leaders.

Use Thomas PPA to:

Multi-rater Feedback – 360 Bespoke

360 provides your business with an objective framework for identifying performance gaps, developing self-awareness, and creating an environment for constructive and honest feedback. This leadership assessment quickly and easily enables people to gather performance feedback from their managers, colleagues, team members, and customers and then compare it with their own perception of their performance.

360 can help you:

The General Intelligence Assessment

The General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) provides an accurate prediction of how it will take someone to get to grips with a new role/regime. By gauging their capabilities, you will keep your people engaged in their work and your organization with appropriate challenges suited to their strengths. The GIA will also enable you to identify potential leaders, those that can think on their feet, and the people better suited to methodical problem-solving.

Use GIA to:

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