Global leadership assessment (GLA 360) the best 360 degree assessment

Global Leadership Assessment GLA 360

What is Global Leadership Assessment (GLA 360)?

The Global Leadership Assessment (GLA360) is a 360 leadership assessment developed through extensive research conducted by Marshall Goldsmith (#1 Leadership Thinker and Executive Coach). The research involved real leaders in real companies – CEOs of Fortune 100 companies, global thought leaders, and international business executives of organizations on 6 continents. GLA 360 has been used worldwide by companies ranging from start-ups to Fortune 500.

While a coach or statistician creates most assessments, the GLA360 is the first and only assessment in the market created and validated by research with actual leaders at multinational companies. This helps assess the leader on real-life competencies required for success in today’s world.

The GLA 360 measures the top 15 most pressing competencies for today’s global leader

GLA 360 groups the 15 competencies into five groups or clusters.

  1. Communication
  2. Engaging people
  3. Boundaryless inclusion
  4. Assuring success
  5. Continuous change

The first three competencies – communication, engaging people, and boundaryless inclusion are people-related.

The last two competencies – assuring success and continuous change are task or results-related competencies.

Emerging Timeless and Large gap competencies

There is also another way to look at these competencies. They can be grouped into three separate boxes.

  1. Emerging competencies:  These are newer competencies required for a 21st-century leader.  Examples are thinking globally, appreciating diversity, developing technological savvy.
  2. Large gap competencies: These are the competencies where there is a large gap between aspiration and reality.  Examples are developing people, empowering people, ensuring customer satisfaction.  Most companies talk about these competencies.  But in reality, leaders are not very skilled in these competencies and hence the classification as large gap competencies.
  3. Timeless competencies:  These are classic competencies that probably won’t change with time. 

The GLA 360 assessment shows leaders the areas they need to develop to succeed in a global, rapidly changing, highly competitive business environment.

GLA 360 is a comprehensive survey

  1. Easy to administer as an online survey including data collection monitoring – anywhere in the world
  2. 15 competencies in 5 clusters, scientifically validated
  3. 72 questions (5 points Likert scale) plus 3 open questions for verbatim feedback
  4. Norm group of thousands of international leaders from a wide range of countries, ethnicities, ages, organizational levels, industries, and educational backgrounds
  5. Available in multiple languages (English, French, Dutch, German, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, and Spanish.)

The first three competencies – communication, engaging people, and boundaryless inclusion are people-related.

Get the best 360-degree feedback tool for your team.

We offer GLA 360, a tool designed by the world’s number 1 leadership thinker Dr. Marshall Goldsmith. It is based on solid research and compares your scores to a norm group of successful leaders around the world.

We can administer 360-degree feedback for you or your team anywhere in the world and multiple languages.

Cost-Effective & All-Inclusive Solutions

We also offer cost-effective all-inclusive solutions

Here are the inclusions

  1. Globally used and validated GLA 360 instrument designed by the world’s number 1 leadership thinker Dr. Marshall Goldsmith.
  2. Unlimited number of respondents or raters for each leader
  3. Available worldwide in multiple languages
  4. Complimentary sensitization session for leaders via video call
  5. Complimentary sensitization session for raters (team members of the leader) via video call
  6. Individual and confidential behavioral Interviews with ALL team members of the leader
  7. Report generation – detailed report that is 50+ pages
  8. Quantitative/objective – 360 degree feedback report
  9. Qualitative/subjective – Compilation of the feedback from the interviews
  10. Debriefing session with the leader to Decide the leadership growth areas for the leader
  11. Confirm the growth areas with the leader’s manager and/or HR
  12. Help the leader prepare an IDP (individual development plan)
  13. Start the executive coaching for the leader and deliver guaranteed and measurable leadership growth (optional)

Are you a consultant? We can guide you step by step to set up GLA 360 for your clients.

Schedule an exploratory 15-minute conversation to explore the GLA 360 tool – We deliver it virtually across the globe.

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What are some sample 360 feedback questions?

The GLA 360 instrument we use measures the 15 competencies that matter to real leaders on 6 continents. It shows leaders the areas they need to develop to succeed in a competitive business environment.

We can group the feedback providers or raters under the following groups

  1. Boss (or bosses)
  2. Peers
  3. Subordinates
  4. Others
  5. Vendors (only if required)
  6. Customers ( (only if required))

Here is a sample question under self-awareness competency

“The leader is aware of how his/her actions and decisions affect others.”

The raters give a score of 1 (being lowest) to 5 being highest. So, in this case, if the rater thinks that the leader is quite aware of his actions and decision on others, she may rate the leader a 4 or a 5. On the other hand, if the leader is clueless about how his behavior or actions affect others, he may rater the leader a 1 or a 2.

Download the 360-degree sample report.

FREE Download

1. GLA 360 Report

2. 360 Questions

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How does it work?

GLA 360 is a multi-rater instrument that allows the leader to be evaluated on 15 key competencies. Below are the steps in the process.

  1. Select the raters
  2. Distribute assessments
  3. Collect reports
  4. Analyze data
  5. Host debriefing session

Refer to the diagram below for an overview

  1. 50+ page report in English, Chinese (Simplified), Polish, Dutch, German and French with a free reproducible workshop binder for leaders
  2. Easy report analysis using a high-level radar graph and complete data drill down
  3. Authentic Leadership Model personalized for each leader (optional and requires additional investment)
  4. Extensive professional development resources such as reference binder, Global Leadership guidebook, downloadable workshop & debriefing PPTs, video library, e-learning, and follow-up webinars. (optional and requires additional investment)

GLA 360 Debriefings & workshops

GLA 360 assessment report is a 50+ page detailed document outlining the strengths and improvement areas of the individual leader.

To get the maximum benefit out of the assessment report, many organizations opt for a de-briefing session for the group of leaders assessed. The debriefing session is optional and non-complimentary – however, there are several benefits of the debriefing session as outlined below.

If you consider 360-degree feedback for leaders at a level below the top leadership, we also have a shorter version of the questionnaire. The 25 question survey is easier to fill and helps get a better response from raters.

GLA 360 Debriefings & workshops

  • 50+ page report in English, Chinese (Simplified), Polish, Dutch, German and French with a free reproducible workshop binder for leaders
  • Easy report analysis using a high-level radar graph and complete data drill down
  • Authentic Leadership Model personalized for each leader (optional and requires additional investment)
  • Extensive professional development resources such as reference binder, Global Leadership guidebook, downloadable workshop & debriefing PPTs, video library, e-learning, and follow-up webinars. (optional and requires additional investment)

1 on 1 Debriefing sessions with each Leader (Optional)

  • 1 on one meeting with leaders to debrief the report
  • Identify strengths and improvement areas for each leader
  • Prepare an individual development plan for each leader
  • Resources, books summaries, and tools based on the leader’s improvement areas

Two-day De-briefing group workshop post-assessments (Optional)

Course content for the two-day de-briefing workshop

  • Global leadership assessment – GLA 360 for each leader
  • Report sharing and debriefing (75-page report for each leader)
  • Individual participant workbook (100+pages)
  • Define leadership growth areas for each leader
  • Define an authentic leadership model for each leader
  • Creating a business case for individual and team leadership growth

Team coaching engagement for 1 year (Optional)

The two-day de-briefing workshop helps a leader define her authentic leadership model and identify leadership growth areas. While that is a fantastic start, leaders often need ongoing support and hand-holding to change their behaviors to realize leadership growth. That is where the one-year team coaching helps.

The TEAM coaching programs have proven to be highly effective and resource-efficient in supporting leaders with their leadership growth and improving team effectiveness at the same time.

Team coaching delivers guaranteed and measurable leadership growth for individuals and the team.

TEAM coaching engagements create measurable leadership growth for the leader and the team as the whole using Marshall’s Goldsmith’s unique Stakeholder Centered Coaching process.

  • Monthly action plan for change/leadership growth
  • Measuring change via leadership growth progress reviews
  • Leaders learn and apply the coaching approach – which is essential for success in the fast-changing world
  • Change team culture
  • Guaranteed team leadership growth
  • You get the same process used by Marshall Goldsmith to coach over 150 of the Fortune 500 leaders.

Features of Team Coaching

Team members help each other succeed.

The focus is now on the whole team, and everybody in the team is working together to help each other as stakeholders to become more effective as an individual leader and as a team.

Guaranteed and measurable leadership growth

Same as with Marshall Goldsmith’s 1on1 coaching process, we apply the same stakeholder principles to team coaching, making it easily possible to measurable make the whole team more effective. If there is now growth in the team leadership, you do not pay. It is as simple as that.


Clients can now get the same leadership effectiveness improvement results, as they are used to from Marshall’s 1on1 coaching process, in a team coaching program which makes coaching more resource-efficient for the client at an even better return on investment.

After the initial two-day TEAM Coaching workshop, all leaders hit the ground running with their completed action plans to implement leadership change.

Benefits of Team Coaching

  • Coaching is the most effective way to change behavior
  • 1:1 coaching helps successful leaders become more successful. Team coaching helps successful teams become more successful.
  • All the benefits of 1:1 coaching but at a fraction of the cost
  • Change team culture
  • Tried and tested process designed by World’s number one leadership thinker and implemented through the world’s largest executive coaching network

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