Tushar Vakil


Guaranteed Measurable Results Delivered For Our FMCG Client

Guaranteed measurable results delivered for our FMCG client


Here is the real-life case study of one of our clients who approached us with specific issues and how we delivered measurable results for them. This case study outlines a sample of challenges growing organizations face and how our stakeholder centered coaching process helped deliver behavior change and a high-performance culture. While you are reading the case study, you may see your organization facing similar issues and the leaders facing similar challenges. We deliver guaranteed and measurable results through our stakeholder coaching process.

Company – FMGC/food manufacturing with over 4000 crores in yearly turnover

Issues as brought by the management


• Poor communication and lack of candid feedback
• Inter and Intra team friction and silo mentality
• Idiosyncratic and derailing behaviors of otherwise good leaders
• Need to building trust, cohesion, and accountability
• impact on performance due to these issues (delays, poor quality or service, conflicts, etc.)

Goal – Leadership development with a focus on some of these specific areas


• Better team cohesion – within the individual team and cross-functional teams
• Continuous change and improvement
• Improve leader’s idiosyncratic and derailing behaviors
• Create a high-performance culture

Who was included?


Thirty-two (32) leaders at 3 major locations – across North and West India. At Ahmedabad, Delhi NCR, and Jaipur

Although the regional offices were located in these three metro areas, the plant locations were scattered around these metros – some up to 400 km away.

Level of leaders


• Top leadership Managing director and executive directors
• Functional heads (HR, finance, production, etc.)
• Plant heads at n number of locations spread across north and west India

Methodology and Process for guaranteed measurable results


A dual coaching model supported by online platform access.

Our client had conducted internal leadership training programs before. They had also sent individual leaders to external managerial and leadership programs as well as conferences. Their experience was that there was a little change in the leaders’ on-job behaviors as a result of these internal or external programs. This is quite common in organizations, and multiple research studies have confirmed that training programs’ effectiveness is not good. One size fits all” training programs don’t work. Ultimately, organizations have practically zero return on their training investment – as neither the leader’s behaviors at work change nor do the leader’s team’s performance improves.

Read the article on the Fundamental problem with Executive Education.

Unlike group training, coaching has several advantages.


• Individual assessment
• Individual growth and improvement areas
• Customized content
• Privacy and confidentiality
• No time away from work (usually 1 to 1.5 hours of coaching per month)

Establishing a baseline


To know and confirm how each leader was – in terms of their strengths and improvement areas – we conducted the following assessments.

Objective feedback


A 360 DF for each leader, which offered quantitative and objective feedback from the leader’s team members
Although competency framework and assessments can also be used, the 360 degree feedback tool is better as it gives a comprehensive perspective of the leader’s behaviors.

To get the leaders on board, we conducted individual sensitization sessions with the leader. This helped them see the benefit of feedback and coaching and answer any queries or concerns. This is a critical step. Once the leader is onboard and sold on the benefits, the rest of the process becomes a lot smoother.

We used the Global leadership assessment – GLA 360 survey. It is designed by Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, who is considered the number 1 leadership thinker and coach. It measured the leaders on 15 competencies of today’s leaders in the multicultural and often global environment. Anonymous feedback is collected from the leader’s stakeholders at all levels – boss, subordinates, and peers. For specific leaders (depending on their functions), we also included and collected feedback from the vendors and/or customers.


If you’d like to know more about GLA 360 or download a sample report, here is the link to two articles
Everything you ever wanted to know about executive coaching
Global leadership assessment (GLA 360) the best 360 degree assessment

Subjective feedback


In addition to the GLA 360, we also arrange 15-30 min interviews with each of the leader’s stakeholders. This was to collect subjective feedback on the leader, especially on the leader’s style and the respondents’ relationship and interaction with the leader. This provided qualitative data and more subjective feedback compared with the more objective feedback of the GLA 360. All the conversations were kept anonymous to get honest feedback.

Report Generation


Once all respondents had provided the objective and the subjective feedback, we generated two reports.

1. A comprehensive report of the 360 degree feedback
2. A compilation of feedback from team members’ interviews

Debriefing session with each leader by an external coach – us


The following were the desired outcomes of the debriefing session with the individual leader.
○ Awareness and acceptance of the feedback
○ Moving the leader through the grief cycle (from initial shock or anger to being open to taking action to improve)
○ Identify a few strengths and a few improvement areas from the report – as seen by the leader’s team members.
○ Decide and finalize 2 areas to improve through working with the coach.
○ Get an agreement on the improvement areas from the leader’s boss and program sponsor (usually HR and/or top management)

The dual coaching process supported by the online platform access


MGSCC process

The diagram above is the stakeholder centered coaching process we used. This process is pioneered by Dr. Marshall Goldsmith and used worldwide to coach more than one million leaders worldwide, from executives in startups to Fortune 500 companies. Several studies have shown that this process has an effectiveness rate of 95%, which is simply unbelievable.

Read the article – Marshall Goldsmith stakeholder centered coaching in India delivers 95% success rate.


These are the phases in the coaching process with guaranteed measurable results.


Phase A – Determine leadership growth areas through objective and subjective feedback. As discussed, phase A started with the leader’s sensitization session and ended with the leader determining her two growth areas.

Phase B – Involve SHs and solicit their help in the leader’s developmental journey

Phase B consists of a 7 step monthly process repeated for 12 months. This cyclical process includes getting feed-forward (suggestions for the future)

  • Ask
  • Listen
  • Thank
  • Think
  • Inform and involve
  • Change
  • Follow up

This entire process takes about 1.5 to 2 hours of the leaders’ time and consists of two separate coaching sessions. Hence the dual coaching process.

1. The first part of the coaching session is with the stakeholders (the 7 step process described above). It takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour time.
2. The second part of the coaching session is with the leader alone. Here the coach helps leaders overcome internal obstacles and issues in the behavior change in complete confidentiality. This also takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour time.

Here are several benefits of the dual coaching process


Time and resource-efficient – The leader doesn’t have to leave work for several days and probably travel to attend leadership training or executive education programs. The process only takes 1.5 to 2 hours of the leader’s time per month. The rest of the focus is on applying the insights and learning to change on-job behavior with the leader’s team.

Virtual friendly – The coaching sessions can be done in person or virtually. Part of it was done remotely for our client – due to pandemic using MS Teams and Zoom meetings.

Highly effective – Instead of some intellectual knowledge gained in training, this process allows the leader to immediately put the learning and insights into practice for on-job behavior change. A study of 86,000 leaders over four continents showed this process to be 95% effective.

Read the article Is your leadership development effective? Or is the money going down the drain?

The leader’s voluntary and public commitment to both the team members and the coach adds multiple accountability layers and aids leadership growth. The dual coaching supports the leader in a 1 on 1 setting and addresses issues that the leader probably can’t or won’t discuss in a group setting.

Phase C – This phase consists of measurements through anonymous mini-surveys called Leadership growth progress reviews or LGPRs. There are 3 progress reports (LGPRs), usually during the 5th, 8th, and 11th months of the one-year coaching engagement. The LGPRs include ratings and observations/comments from the team members

• Has the leader improved in the 2 areas he/she selected?
• Anonymous rating of the leader by the stakeholders on a scale of -3 to +3
• What specifically has the leader done to improve (or not)

The LGPRs provide a concrete measurement of the leader’s growth in the selected leadership growth areas. What makes it even more important is the fact that the ratings and observations are anonymous and given by the leader’s own team members. If they anonymously provide positive ratings, that is the acid test of the coaching process’s effectiveness.

Webinar on Google’s Secret Recipe to Build a High-Performance Team

Continuous support via access to an online platform


A scientifically designed online platform to aid accountability, support, and constant communication with the coach. Although insights and ideas happen during the coaching sessions, behavior change happens in between the coaching sessions. Leaders are busy and juggle multiple priorities. The leadership development plan may take a back seat to work urgencies. The online platform is the perfect solution.

Scientifically designed an online platform to help you form habits and achieve leadership growth. Here are some of the highlights and the benefits of the online platform

• Acts as a daily co-coach and accountability partner
• Learning, reflection, and accountability
• Create customized actions, worksheets, and metrics for you
• Timely reminders of actions and activities – as per the leader’s needs
• Create projects, tasks, and action plans suitable for your needs
• Helps form small habits that make a huge difference over time
• Personalized tracking of the new habits for awareness and motivation for change
• Customized microlearning content and action plan
• Access to files, resources, videos, activities, book summaries, role-plays, and more
• Coach will “observe” all your actions via an online platform
• Encouragement, support, and accountability
• Convenient one-click access on any device – smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc.
• Everything in a single place – actions, metrics, notes, journal, and more
• Track and measure every aspect of your development plan
• Timely reminders of actions and activities
• Two-way communication with the coach continuously
• Continuous and non-stop personal care and support of the coach

What are some of the growth areas leaders selected?


Here are a few examples of areas of improvement selected by one or more of the leaders. While you are going through this list, think about leaders in your organization. I bet that you may see quite a few leaders in your organization needing improvement in one or more of these areas. And if you are self-aware and honest with yourself, you may see the need to improve in one or more of these areas.

○ Deal with performance problems effectively
○ Communicate effectively and concisely
○ Managing time and priorities effectively.
○ Empower and develop subordinates
○ Losing temper frequently – emotional stability
○ Not being assertive enough.
○ Improve cross-functional relationships
○ Involve others in decision making
○ Not listening to other’s ideas or opinions.
○ Manage conflicts constructively

Results (The three Leadership growth progress reviews – LGPRs)


Results and report for an individual leader

First, I will share a sample report of a single leader. We have changed the names to protect anonymity.  Remember that the leader’s team members responded to the initial 360-degree feedback, based on which the leader chose their improvement areas.   The respondents for LGPRs are also the same team members.  They anonymously share their perception of the observed change in the leader via LGPRs.  That is the ultimate test of the effectiveness of any program.  We are glad to report the measurable improvements as rated anonymously by the leader’s own team members.

 A detailed report of 1 leader, objective and subjective (observed behavior and comments)

Guaranteed measurable results delivered for our FMCG client

Besides, for each LGPR, the team members also shared their observations via comments to questions like

  1. What has the leader done specifically to become more effective?
  2. What can the leader do in the next few months to improve in their leadership growth areas?

Here are some sample comments

  • He now listens carefully before responding.
  • He has started appreciating team members in the group settings.
  • He should also start appreciating team members individually in a personal setting.
  • He now replies in 1-2 sentences.
  • Weekly team meetings are to the point, stick to the agenda, and are effective.

Results and reports of an average of all 32 leaders

Then I will share the average of the three LGPRs of all 32 leaders.


When a leader selects an Improvement area, we consider the ratings at zero at the beginning of the process.

○ The average of LGPR 1 = leaders improved around 0.8 from zero.
○ The average of LGPR 2 = leaders improved around 1.4 from zero.
○ The average of LGPR 3 =leaders improved around 2.5 from zero.

These are average numbers, and some leaders even scored 3 from zero.

There were 32 leaders, and all 32 were at least +2 in LGPR 3 compared to the baseline when the process was started.



Tried and tested process that is 95% effective
○ Time and resource-efficient
○ Unlike a majority of leadership training programs, this process causes a change in behavior at work.
○ Cost-effective – For the cost of sending the leader to a single executive education program for a week, you can coach the leader for the entire year.
○ The return on investment (ROI) is many folds.
○ Creates a culture of openness and performance
○ Although the coaching is for the leader, the entire team is involved. Hence the benefits cascade down to the entire team.

For more details Contact us.

Click the button below.






Team coaching – Everything you wanted to know about it

Team coaching is essential in today’s work environment. How do you improve team effectiveness?  Team coaching is the answer that is effective in terms of time, investment, and effort.


Teams have become more important than ever – team coaching should too.

To deal with rapid change, organizations have become flatter and leaner.  Power and decisions are decentralized.  The days of a single “heroic” leader are gone.  Networked team leadership is taking the place of hierarchical leadership.

Teams have become an integral part of getting work done.  Most organizations get the work done through projects that involve multiple people working in teams.

An article, published in The Harvard Business Review in Jan-Feb 2016, title “Collaborative Overload,” states that ‘‘the time spent by managers and employees in collaborative activities has ballooned by 50 percent or more’’ over the last two decades.

To quote Michael Jordan – Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.



Synergy vs. Dysfunction on teams

It is true in sports and business.  In cohesive teams, the whole is a lot greater than the sum of its parts.  When teams work in synergy, they achieve extraordinary performance. 

In dysfunctional teams, it is vice-versa – the whole ends up being a lot less than the sum of the parts.  Egos, personality clashes, individual agendas cause a delay in work and result in the team’s underperformance. You can put a group of 6-10 high performing individuals on a team, and their performance together may be less than optimum or just downright disappointing. 

More often than not, teams don’t live up to their expectations.  A majority of the work teams fail to harness their full potential or utilize their team members’ collective intelligence.

Read another article – Poor Leadership Behaviors & its Collateral Damage.


Common team problems

Teams are plagued by common problems listed below.

  • Lack of trust
  • No alignment or commitment to goals
  • Individual agendas
  • Big egos and personality conflicts
  • Silo mentality
  • Unclear or fuzzy goals
  • Unclear roles and responsibilities
  • Lack of accountability
  • Gossip and talking behind people’s back
  • Lack of commitment
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Lack of psychological safety  (link to PS article)

Optimizing individual performance is not enough.

For decades, talent management has focused on measuring, managing, and optimizing individual performance.  Performance management focuses on assessing, developing, and rewarding individual performance.  But it is not enough.

Individual performance seldom translates into the performance of teams or workgroups.  As more and more work is now done through multi-functional teams, talent management professionals need to understand and focus on measuring, managing, and optimizing teams’ performance.

team coaching



What is a team?

There is a difference between a group of people vs. a work team.  We all intuitively know this fact.  Let’s define what a team is to clarify it further.

Here is a popular definition from Jon Katzenbach

“A small number of people with complementary skills, who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals

and approach, for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.”

There are a few keywords that differentiate whether a group of people is a team or not.

  • Small – It would be not easy to manage a team of 50 people – then it will have to be subdivided
  • Complementary skills – diverse and complementary skills are essential.
  • Common purpose – purpose fuels and drives the team members.
  • Performance goals – everyone is ultimately measured against the performance goals.
  • Mutual accountability – they hold one another accountable.

Let’s take the example of a soccer team.  A small number of players, who have complementary skills, have a common purpose of winning the match or the championship, have performance goals (individual and team goals), and hold one another accountable for achieving the goals.  A soccer team fits Katzenbach’s definition of a team.

On the other hand, if you have a group of high potentials in an organization, they will not be considered a team.  They may or may not have complementary skills, nor do they have a common purpose and performance goals, and they don’t hold one another accountable.


Google spent 2 years and enormous amounts of resources studying over 180 teams to figure out the answer to the question – What makes teams successful?  Read the article.


Team coaching vs. Team building

“Team building” activities get a lot of attention from learning and development professionals.  When do I say the word teambuilding, what immediately comes to mind?  Most people start thinking about activity-based indoor or outdoor gatherings of colleagues.

Almost everyone has attended such an activity that has a picnic-like atmosphere. These activities are fun and a welcome relief from the otherwise boring classroom training.  

Participants involve themselves in indoor or outdoor games and competitive activities.  Rope courses, tree climbing, races, fire walking, and dozens of other adventurous activities challenge the participants. A resort setting and a picnic atmosphere engage the participants.

All in all, it is a fun experience for the participants.  The level 1 feedback (on Kirkpatrick’s scale) from such activities is usually excellent.  The participants, the HR or L&D department, and the training agency are all happy doing such activities once or twice a year, especially around winter months when outdoor weather is conducive.


Do these outdoor team building activities really improve the team’s behavior and performance at work?

So here is the question.  Do these outdoor team building activities really improve the team’s behavior and performance at work?  The simple answer is no. 

Despite the good feelings outdoor team building generates, hardly anything changes at work in terms of better behaviors conducive to developing a cohesive and high-performance team. 

Singing songs, walking or fire, climbing trees, and holding hands have little to do with teams’ real-life work and behaviors.  All in all, they are a waste of time and money. 

Outbound team building, although popular, has done little to bring in the behavior change that can transform team cohesion and performance. 

Holding hands, singing songs, climbing trees can be entertaining.  But it has little to do with actual work.

Read my article on How to build psychological safety on teams. 


What is team coaching?

David Clutterbuck defines team coaching as follows.

Helping the team improve performance and the processes by which performance is achieved through reflection and dialogue.

When most people think of team coaching, they think of sports teams!  Very few managers and talent management professionals know about team coaching.  

The above definition serves both sports teams and work teams very well.

Unlike team building, team coaching, on the other hand, is a comprehensive approach to manage team interactions at work. 

It is time and resource-efficient, which is very well suited for teams who are too busy to go to training programs or indoor/outdoor team building activities.


Team coaching without time-wasting!

The popularity of individual coaching across the world acts as a testament to coaching’s effectiveness as a developmental tool. 

Can team coaching also be as effective for teams, as individual coaching is for individual performance?  The answer is a resounding yes!

Read my article on individual coaching or executive coaching. 

Our TEAM Coaching –  Year-long Executive Coaching program using Stakeholder Centered Coaching

TEAM coaching engagements create measurable leadership growth for the leader and the team as a whole using Marshall’s unique Stakeholder Centered Coaching process.  The team coaching approach has several benefits.


Since one executive coach works with all team members supporting each other in this TEAM coaching process, the whole coaching program is very time efficient. It reduces coaching fees per team member while still delivering a majority of the benefits of 1:1 coaching for the leader.

Changing leaders and teams at the same time

The team articulates one leadership growth area, and each team member defines their own leadership growth area that relates to the team focus. This creates an interdependent team effort with a common focus on producing results for their individual effectiveness and team productivity simultaneously.

Create a Team Culture of Openness to continuous change

When team members collaborate as stakeholders in the TEAM coaching programs, it creates an open culture for leadership and team culture change. Furthermore, team members feel comfortable using feedback and feedforward to drive change for themselves and their teams.

Insider expertise

Team members should be able to provide expert advice and an insider view of each other as it relates to their business, their people, and their team culture challenges. They become de facto coaches.

Coaching is a leadership skill.

Some organizations use coaching as an ‘executive intervention’ or to ‘fix a problem,’ but this is a suboptimal approach to coaching. Coaching is a leadership skill, and leaders in organizations should be skilled coaches to help their teams develop and grow. As we expect effective leaders to be highly skilled in, e.g., communication, decision making, and empowerment, leaders should be highly skilled in coaching others. TEAM coaching is a great program to instill coaching as a leadership skill in the organization.

In the TEAM coaching process, team members supporting each other as stakeholders and coaches while implementing their action plans to make change visible. This program is ideal for leaders and their (cross-functional / project) teams to measurably change their individual and collective effectiveness. This happens while they lead and develop their teams, and at the same time, develop their coaching skills further to roll out this coaching process with their direct reports.

TEAM coaching can be a very effective and cost-efficient way to grow leaders, change teams, and develop the organizational culture.

Read our other article Organizational Culture Change Example – Alan Mulally Ford Turnaround Story.

Reference:  Coaching the team at work by David Clutterbuck
If you enjoyed reading this article, you would enjoy reading my other articles
Executive and Leadership Coaching in India
360 degree feedback- A complete guide with a questionnaire

Psychological safety at work – Why you need it and how to develop it


Psychological safety (PS) at work – Why you need it and how to develop it

What is psychological safety at work? Why do we need it? How to develop it in your team and your organization. In this article, I am going to answer these questions.


Do you remember the Colombia space shuttle disaster?

On January 16th, 2003, the space shuttle Colombia blasted off into space on its 28th mission. It was a sunny day in Florida, and everything seemed to be perfect about the launch. But things were not perfect.

A piece of foam had broken off from the outside of the rocket and hit the wing area during the lift-off. On Tuesday, January 21st, five days after the launch, a team of engineers at NASA had their first formal meeting to assess the potential damage from the piece of foam that had struck the wing.

They agreed that NASA should immediately observe the wing area impacted, even if the impact was minor. This could be accomplished by others using other satellites or powerful telescopes on the ground.

The team of engineers selected Rodney Rocha, an experienced but mild-mannered engineer, to convey their recommendation.

Rodney Rocha attempted to inform his superiors and request them to observe the wing’s possible damage, but he was simply brushed aside. One manager told Rodney Rocha to stop being a “Chicken Little” – referring to the cartoon character who was always running around afraid and warning others that the sky was falling.

Despite his severe concerns about the mission’s safety, he had no choice but to keep quiet.

On 1st February 2003, the space shuttle Colombia disintegrated into pieces while returning to earth. Seven astronauts, including mission specialist Kalpana Chawla, died in the tragic accident.

NASA suspended any further space flights for the next two years while investigating and eliminating what could have caused the disaster.

The investigation confirmed that the cause was the friction caused due to the damaged tiles on the wing. The same damage that Rodney Rocha and his team of engineers were trying to bring to the mission control’s attention.

Why did Rodney not speak up? Why was he not forceful? What could NASA have done to create an environment where Rodney, or anyone else on the team, could voice their concerns in an assertive way?


Psychological safety at work

The answer to the question is to create psychological safety at work. Amy Edmondson, a Harvard professor, and researcher coined the term Psychological safety.

She defines it as “a shared belief held by members of a team that the team is safe for interpersonal risk-taking.”

Can employees express their doubts, concerns, issues they know about? Or are they uncomfortable speaking up? Now think about your workplace.

Have you held back from expressing an opinion in a meeting? Or have you agreed to something you weren’t sure about, just because you didn’t feel comfortable in saying it?

Do you sometimes keep quiet even when you have questions but don’t want to look “dumb” in front of others?

This is what happened to Rodney Rocha. He did not feel safe to be more assertive and emphatically ask the manager to consider his concern and do the needful address.

Psychological safety at work was missing on the NASA team.


Boeing 737 Max problems & lack of psychological safety at work

Organizations frequently face the grave consequences of lack of psychological safety, as NASA did. Besides the loss of lives, there was severe damage to NASA’s reputation, and they had to halt the space program for two years.

Boeing 737 max aircraft tragedy is another example of such consequences of lack of PS at work. In March 2019, the Boeing 737 MAX passenger airliner was grounded worldwide after 346 people died in two crashes. First, it was the Lion Air Flight 610 on October 29, 2018.

The second flight was the Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 on March 10, 2019. There were 387 Boeing 737 aircraft at that time, which served 8,600 flights per week for 59 different airlines. All of them were grounded, causing severe damage to Boeing’s reputation worldwide.

The groundings became the longest ever of a U.S. airliner. Boeing also had to suspend the production of the 737 max aircraft indefinitely.

In November 2018, Boeing launched a new automated flight control system for the 737 max aircraft. Later in the post mortem done by FAA and NTSB, they found that employees had serious concerns about the automated flight control system.

They did not feel comfortable enough to voice theirs against the backdrop of a multibillion project’s delivery timeline pressures. Later in the interviews, the employees said they were afraid to speak up as they thought they might lose their job.

Whether that would really happen or not, it clearly shows that these employees did not feel PS at work.


Do these kinds of things happen at your workplace?

Now you may think that I would have reacted differently to these kinds of situations.  Or you may think that this doesn’t happen on my team. 

Let’s say you are working on a cross-functional team. Someone uses a jargon word during the team meeting. Some acronym, let’s say GSH!  Everybody on the team agrees that GSH is very important. 

Now you don’t have a clue what GSH means!  Do you feel safe enough to make yourself vulnerable and ask in the team meeting – “I am sorry – I don’t know what GSH means. 

Can any one of you explain it to me?.”   Or would you just nod your head in agreement and make a mental note to check out later what GSH meant.  

Or in a similar situation, the team is enthusiastic and gung-ho over a particular investment in new technology.  Everyone agrees in unison while elaborating on the benefits and ROI of this technology.  You have serious doubts about the benefits and ROI. 

Do you feel comfortable disagreeing with the majority?  They may be right, and you may end up looking like a jerk who is not a team player!

All too often, employees choose to keep quiet instead of speaking up.  Why?  Because of the interpersonal discomfort of looking incompetent, not a team player, or negative.  And there is a cost to people not speaking up.  Most of the time, these costs are not as dramatic as in NASA and Boeing. 

These are small costs in losing a moment of learning or having a different perspective of exploring a new idea.  Over time, these small costs add up.  Learning, change, and innovation suffers.  

What does psychological safety at work look like?

Can the members of the team members do the following without fear?

• Offer their ideas and opinions no matter how different from the team goals or consensus or superior’s ideas
• Express their concerns and doubts to superiors
• Admit openly that they don’t know about some things at work
• Ask for help openly and comfortably when needed
• Are willing to try new things and take risks even if it means making mistakes or failing
• Admit to mistakes immediately and openly so they can be rectified
• Feel comfortable being themselves without any fear or concerns of social stigma or other repercussions

Can team members do the above-mentioned things – without the fear of being socially labeled or humiliated as being incompetent, or the crazy one or not a team player?

If they can, there is a high degree of PS at work, or else there is a lack of PS on the teams.

Psychological safety at work


Psychological safety at work is not these things!

One of the concerns that most leaders have is how I have PS and accountability on my teams?  Doesn’t having one means sacrificing the other?  Not really. 

They are two different aspects that are both important to instill in teams.

Psychological safety at work often is confused with certain qualities that are not conducive to high performance. Psychological does not mean the following.


1. Just being nice

Being polite and being nice at work is fine. But having PS means disagreeing with an idea or opinion without fear. It allows diverse perspectives and expertise to put on the table to take the best course of action.


2. Reducing performance standards

Amy Edmondson says that psychological safety does not mean reducing performance standards. Both of them are separate, and a leader can instill both in their teams.


3. Lack of accountability

A team can be accountable to one another and yet not have psychological safety. The opposite is also true. Accountability is a leader’s responsibility, and so is PS. Both are separate things.

The diagram below shows the four quadrants of psychological safety vs. accountability. The four quadrants are the apathy zone, anxiety zone, comfort zone, and learning zone. Ideally, the leader should work on PS and accountability to get the team into the learning zone.




Why do we need psychological safety at work?

20th-century standardization paradigm

Henry Ford is quoted as saying that – I wish people just brought their hands at work and left their brains home! He probably was right for the kind of work that happened at his assembly line in the earlier part of the 20th century.

Industrialization in the 20th century was all about standardization, focusing on the single best way to do things and get everyone to do it efficiently. Ideas and opinions of the employees were a distraction and a nuisance. They simply reduced the efficiency of standardized and repetitive assembly line work.


Knowledge work in the 21st century

Arguably the most insightful management consultant, Peter Drucker coined the term “knowledge worker” way back in 1959 in his book “The Landmarks of Tomorrow.” Way back then, Peter Drucker predicted information would change the way people would work in the future.

The value of work will not be derived from physical labor using their muscle power, but instead with the intellectual work using their mind power. He predicted that knowledge workers would be the most valuable assets of 21st-century organizations.

Today, a majority of the workforce is employed doing what Peter Drucker correctly coined as knowledge work. Engineers, architects, accountants, lawyers, physicians, computer programmers, web designers, finance professionals, technical writers, researchers are just a few of the knowledge work professions.


VUCA world of the 21st Century

Today, in the 21st century, we also live in a VUCA world. VUCA is a term coined by the US army to describe the Iraq and Afghanistan wars situation. VUCA is an acronym for Volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. Change is rapid. There are no standard solutions or defined processes.

We have to make decisions even when we don’t have all the information or all the answers. Business strategy and solving of problems are all a hypothesis – an experiment, if you will.

We need the collective intelligence of diverse teams with specialized expertise. Unlike Henry Ford in the early 20th century, we definitely need people to bring their brains to work and put them to good use!

They need to share their ideas, opinions, and expertise – to help solve problems in a continuously changing world. Find new ways of doing things – cheaper, better, faster than the competition. Change and innovate or face extinction. We need to utilize the talent of your team to the highest possible level. How do we do that?


Psychological safety is essential to survive and thrive in the 21st century.

In an environment that was fairly stable and the processes and outcomes are well defined – like Henry Ford’s assembly line, PS may not be essential.

It may still be good to have, but not essential for business performance. But in the VUCA world of the last two decades – as with NASA’s space shuttle launch or the Boeing 737 max production – PS is essential for change, growth, innovation, and performance.

What does it take for organizations to survive and thrive in a VUCA world? It is creating psychological safety at work teams to utilize the team’s collective intelligence to keep ahead of the rapid change.


Uncertainty and interdependence

Amy Edmondson’s research has shown that psychological safety is essential for high performance on teams when the teams’ problems involve uncertainty and interdependence.  There are no set answers.  There may be entirely new situations. 

It may require inputs from multiple team members who have various specialized expertise.  In most of the work done today in large organizations, uncertainty and interdependence are often present.  And hence PS has become an essential element of team performance.

Assess and Develop the TOP 15 competencies of a Global Leader

Read: Poor Leadership Behaviors & its Collateral Damage


Google’s quest to figure out what makes teams successful

Individual brilliance is great, but team cohesiveness is more important. Most of the work done today is in projects involving multiple people working in teams. Talent management’s primary focus has been on measuring and managing individual performance.

But it is not enough. Analyzing and improving individual performance does not translate into the performance of teams or workgroups.

Google spent 2 years and enormous amounts of resources studying over 180 teams to figure out the answer to the question – What makes teams successful? They found five factors that are essential to any high-performing team. The most important factor? It is “psychological safety at work.”

Read: What makes teams successful? – Google’s Project Aristotle came up with these five factors that matter 


How to create psychological safety at work

Amy Edmondson suggests three types of actions leaders can take to improve the psychological safety of their teams.

1. Setting the stage

Leaders have to define the context. The vision and direction. But it needs to go a step further. Define the purpose, a cause greater than themselves, to make a difference.

Once that is done, the next step is to communicate clearly the business environment of uncertainty, complexity, and interdependence. If leaders don’t point out uncertainty and complexity clearly, people may conclude that they are supposed to know everything about their jobs.

If they don’t, people will conclude that they may be branded as simply incompetent if they make mistakes and may need to face the consequences.

A leader’s job is to make it safe for people to fail. This is not about the failures caused by incompetency or not following a standard protocol (when it exists). That is not the kind of failure a leader should tolerate.

On the other hand, when there is a need to experiment and try new things – failure should not only be tolerated and accepted, it should be celebrated! It is also OK not to know all the answers!  It is OK to experiment!  And it is OK to fail!  Or else, there may be no change, no growth, and no innovation.

Read:  Alan Mulally’s most successful business turnarounds of all time at Ford Motor Company

2. Inviting engagement

Leaders often mistake the silence of a team member for their agreement. Often it is not the case. People don’t like to speak up due to social discomfort or lack of psychological safety. Or there are just a couple of vocal team members expressing their opinion.

The leader’s job is to invite opinions and ideas from everyone on the team, especially the silent team members. When everyone on the team agrees with the leader without having any opinions of their own, it is a sign for the leader to invite engagement. The leaders should watch their body language while listening to diverse opinions. It should not give away the leader’s like or dislike for a particular idea.

Asking questions is one of the best ways to invite engagement.  The leader may ask any of the following questions, or a semantic version of these, to invite engagement.

  • I don’t know a whole lot about it…..  You have a lot of experience here.  What do you think about this?
  • What do I not know about here?
  • What am I missing? What have we not considered yet?
  • You have a lot of experience in ……  What do you think we should do?
  • You haven’t spoken on…    What are your thoughts?
  • There is a lot of uncertainty about …..   So whatever we do is a hypothesis.  We won’t know it until we try? 

3. Responding productively

As a leader, what do you do when a team member completely disagrees with your ideas or opinions? Do you dismiss the team member? Do you override her opinions? Or do you ask more questions and more inputs to understand where they are coming from? Do you treat them respectfully? Do you get visibly annoyed or upset?

Listen to all ideas, acknowledge and thank the person. Continuously ask questions like – what do you think? What do we not know about…? Etc. Acknowledge risks inherent in ambiguity and uncertainty. Reinforce that failure is OK when the team is experimenting and learning new ways of doing things.

The following diagram from Amy Edmondson’s book gives a nice summary of the 3 steps to create psychological safety.

Psychological safety


Image source – Fearless Organization book by Dr. Amy Edmondson

Watch: Leader’s Role in Creating a Psychologically Safe Workplace

How to measure psychological safety at work

Do members on your team feel safe psychologically? Measuring PS is simple and easy. Amy Edmondson has 7 questions you can ask your team to gauge the level of PS at work in your team.

For each of the 7 questions, each team member rates their perception of the team on a Likert scale of 1 to 7. Note that the item numbers 1,3 and 5 are expressed negatively and are hence denoted with an (R). You can also use a Likert scale of 1 to 5.

1. If you make a mistake on this team, it is often held against you. (R)
2. Members of this team can bring up problems and tough issues.
3. People on this team sometimes reject others for being different. (R)
4. It is safe to take a risk on this team.
5. It is difficult to ask other members of this team for help. (R)
6. No one on this team would deliberately act in a way that undermines my efforts.
7. Working with members of this team, my unique skills and talents are valued and utilized.

This simple 7 question tool has proven quite accurate in predicting teams’ psychological safety – as per Amy Edmondson’s research.  

Complimentary Psychological Safety Assessment 

Do you know the level of psychological safety on your team?  We are happy to offer you a complimentary psychological safety team assessment for your first team. Schedule a quick conversation to find out more.


In Conclusion

To solve today’s VUCA world’s problems, organizations need to use all team members’ collective intelligence, expertise, and collaboration. A leader’s job is to create a culture where people can share their ideas, opinions, and concerns openly and freely. In other words, a leader’s job is to create psychological safety at work. When it is lacking, people leave, performance suffers, and growth and change stall. When you have it, continuous sharing of ideas, experimentation, and learning happen on teams, which allows the company to change, innovate, and thrive in the VUCA world.


Get the best leadership coaching to improve Psychological safety at work in your teams.

Increase transparency, dialogue, candor, and psychological safety on your teams with our team coaching and team assessments. We offer Marshall Goldsmith coaching in India, the middle east, and southeast Asia.  It is the best coaching program in India because it is the same executive coaching process used by Marshall Goldsmith to coach CEOs of Fortune 500 companies worldwide. We guarantee measurable leadership growth or don’t pay at all. 

world's number 1 executive coaching

NAL Triple Advantage Leadership Coaching.

That delivers guaranteed and measurable leadership growth.  It is based on a stakeholder-centered coaching process with a 95% effectiveness rate (in a study or 11000 leaders on 4 continents).  It is used by companies ranging from startups to 150 of the Fortune 500 companies to develop their leaders.

Here are some of the salient benefits of NAL Triple Advantage Leadership Coaching

Time and resource-efficient: The leader does not have to leave work to attend training programs.  We go to the leader and her team.  And it only takes 1.5 hours per month. The rest of the time, the leader is working to implement with her team.

Separate and customized improvement areas for each leader: Every leader is different.  One size fits all approach doesn’t work.  Individual development areas for each leader are aligned to the business strategy.

Involves entire team: Unlike most leadership programs, NAL Triple Advantage Leadership Coaching involves the leader’s entire team, and it has a cascading effect – increasing the team effectiveness and improving organizational culture.

The leader becomes the coach: for continuous improvement for leaders themselves and their teams. It is like kaizen for your leadership development.

Cost-Effective: Our entire one-year coaching engagement often costs less than sending the leader to a short-duration leadership program at any reputed B school.

Guaranteed and measurable leadership growth: as assessed – not by us – but anonymously rated by the leader’s own team members.

Pay us only after we deliver results! : We work with many of our clients on a pay for results basis.  What does it mean?  If the leaders don’t improve, you simply don’t have to pay us.


Schedule an exploratory 15-minute conversation with our leadership adviser today

Click the button below.



The Fearless Orgnization – Book by Amy Edmondson



Online free leadership course – Invest in Yourself with the Leadership Masterclass

Online leadership masterclass – Invest in Yourself

Online leadership masterclass – is it worth the time and effort? In this article, I will share my take on the benefits and limitations of Online leadership masterclass and courses.  You can also enroll for a 15-day test drive and get all-access to one of the best online leadership courses. The link is at the end of the article.


Can you learn leadership online?

It is a valid and critical question.  Traditionally, leadership training has been done in person.  Then came E-learning or online learning. From the early days of E-learning, technology has progressed by leaps and bounds.  Interactive content, Blended learning, Instructor-led training, and other multi-pronged approaches are now used by most large companies, business schools, and content vendors as a part of their online free leadership curriculum.

There are some benefits and limitations of online leadership courses free or paid.


Benefits and limitations of online leadership masterclass


The benefits of an online leadership course

  • No time away from work.
  • No need for travel
  • Byte sized learning
  • Better retention and application of the learnings
  • Anytime, anywhere, any device access.
  • Cost-effective as compared with in-person training
  • Time-efficient
  • Flexibility to learn whenever convenient


The limitations of an online free leadership course

  • Needs structure
  • Must be based on proper instructional design
  • Needs the self-discipline to complete
  • No interaction with other learners
  • It can’t clarify doubts with the instructor.

Factors that have helped the spread of online leadership courses

In the last decade, there has been a confluence of factors that has made online leadership learning possible.  In fact, these advances have made online leadership courses, free or paid, engaging, useful, and often more effective than attending in-person leadership courses.


The magic of instructional design

  • The entire curriculum is designed with the learner in mind.
  • Whets the learner’s appetite for learning
  • Better recall and retention of skills
  • Measurement of learning is built-in.
  • Flexible – anywhere, any time, and any device

The advances in technology and software

  • High definition video
  • Simulations
  • Animations
  • Learning management systems
  • Customizations and learning paths
  • Individualized tracking and measurements

These advancements in technology provide the learner with an engaging and stimulating experience that rivals any classroom training course.


Neuroscience – the science of learning

  • Byte sized learning
  • Small quizzes and tests to aid retention
  • Learning aids
  • Blended approach – get the benefit of online, face to face.
  • Scientifically designed tools and apps to reinforce learning
  • On job application and habit formation
  • It helps form habits and accountability.

The application of neuroscience to learning design has resulted in more engaging content, better retention, and more effective application.


The pandemic has necessitated and accelerated online leadership masterclass and courses

The unprecedented spread of the Covid-19 pandemic has changed a variety of things almost overnight!  Training programs in general and Leadership training and coaching, in particular, have been affected severely.  Prestigious B-schools have had to take their leadership courses online.  So have most vendors of leadership courses.  Covid-19 pandemic has shifted leadership learning from in-person to online.  Online free or paid leadership courses are now a norm are likely to stay that way even after the pandemic may be over.

Online free leadership course




Conclusion: Online leadership masterclass are often more effective


The result of the confluence of these factors?  Basically, the learners get access to the best content scientifically designed and delivered by some of the world’s best teachers. The online leadership courses, free or paid, are most of the times more effective due to the confluence of the factors discussed above.

We have an online leadership masterclass that takes a blended approach of in-person coaching, online learning.

Invest in Yourself with the Leadership Masterclass online leadership course test drive

How can the leadership masterclass benefit you?

  • Get more work done efficiently from your team
  • Earn the respect of all team members
  • Get satisfaction and fulfillment from your career
  • Get recognized and promoted as a leader
  • Survive and thrive in the next normal and a VUCA world
  • Avoid mid-career crisis
  • Find exciting new job opportunity
  • Future proof your leadership skills

Enroll in our special 15-day test drive coaching package for an unbelievably low investment of $99

Enroll Now

Inclusions in the 15-day test drive coaching package

  • 45 minute live coaching session-via video call – $299 value
  • 15 minute live quick check-in session with the coach – $99 value
  • Get access to a scientifically designed online platform for small daily actions, microlearning, accountability, support, and habits – $99 value
  • Get 24/7 access to the coach via an online platform – priceless!
  • 100% no questions asked money-back guarantee any time during the first week – Risk-free!

Benefits of the 15-day test drive coaching package

  • Discover your leadership strengths and improvement areas
  • Gain clarity and decide on improvement areas
  • Create, commit and make progress on your action plan with small consistent actions
  • Get support and accountability of the coach and the online platform
  • Micro learning customized for your specific needs
  • Jump start your leadership development
  • Experience coaching firsthand and then decide if coaching is right for you

The power of a scientifically designed online platform

  • Your daily co-coach and accountability partner
  • Actions from coaching insights happen in real life
  • Leaders get busy and “things” come up in real life!
  • Customized actions and worksheet and timely reminders help you take small actions daily
  • Help you form small habits that make a huge difference over time

Features of the online platform

  • Create customized actions, worksheets and metrics for you
  • Create projects, tasks, and action plans suitable to your needs
  • Coach will “observe” all your actions via online platform
  • Encouragement, support, and accountability

Just one click access to all your activities

  • Everything in a single place – actions, metrics, notes, journal and more
  • Convenient one click access on any device
  • Track and measure every aspect of your development plan
  • Timely reminders of actions and activities
  • Create actions, metrics, worksheets, journal with coach
  • Two way communication with the coach on a continuous basis

All of this for an investment of only $99 for 15-day access and two live personal coaching sessions


  • Self-reflection and assessment of strengths and improvement areas
  • Discover fears, limiting beliefs, and obstacles
  • Accountability to self and coach
  • Be more self-aware of blind spots.
  • Tap into the inherent potential to discover solutions
  • Gain clarity and focus
  • Create actionable plans and take consistent action
  • Gain more job and life satisfaction
  • Contribute more effectively to the team and the organization
  • Take greater responsibility and accountability for actions and commitments.
  • Work more easily and productively with others (boss, direct reports, peers)
  • Communicate more effectively
  • Gain confidence and build momentum
  • Change behavior at work


Coaching is the most effective developmental tool, bar none!

Bill Gates reiterated in his TED talk that “everybody needs a coach.”  Training is a (mostly) waste of money and time. Get a coach on your side.

Benefits of leadership masterclass from an organizational perspective

  • Empowers individual leaders and encourages them to take responsibility
  • Increases employee and staff engagement
  • Helps identify and develop high potential employees
  • Help identify both organizational and individual strengths and development opportunities.
  • It helps to motivate and empower individuals to excel.
  • Help leaders transition up and across within the organization.
  • Help leaders overcome derailing behaviors.
  • Aid succession planning
  • Build a leadership pipeline

Based on the process designed by Dr. Marshall Goldsmith – World’s number 1 thinker and executive coach.

Read: Which is the best leadership development program?


How much should you invest in your own development?

Brian Tracy says – invest 10% of your earnings in your own self.  The best investment you can make is in your “earning ability,” especially in times of rapid change and turbulence.  Think about your annual salary.  The transformational leadership coaching package’s investment will probably be a lot less than 10% of your annual CTC.  And the benefits will last for years!

Think about how much money do you spend on a vacation?  Or a vehicle?  Or on mobile phones and other gadgets.  Those are expenses.  The Transformational coaching package is an investment in yourself that pays many times over.

Set an appointment with us to get the best deal for your leadership coaching package.

Do you want leadership masterclass for the leadership team in your organization?

If you are in top management or HR, L&D, etc. Think about how much money your company spends on leadership training every year. And you do that year after year! Instead, invest in the most effective leadership development coaching backed by research to be 95% effective.

Do you have an otherwise good leader but

  • Is a know it and Doesn’t listen to the ideas and opinions of others? What does that do to that leader’s team members? Are new ideas discussed? What happens to their performance?
  • How about a leader who doesn’t develop her 2nd line?
  • How about a leader who loses his temper and doesn’t get along with others? Works in silos.

DDI estimates the financial cost of a single leader to be $126,000 per year!  What would it be worth if these leaders improved in their bottleneck areas?

With LMC, you can make it happen. Create a culture of transparency, dialogue, openness. And the culture, in turn, will supercharge team engagement and performance. Connect for special pricing for a group of 5 or more leaders.  Get guaranteed and measurable leadership growth (in their bottleneck areas) with our leadership coaching packages.

Set an appointment with us to get the best deal for your leadership coaching package.

Are the current leadership development solutions effective?

Here are some points to ponder regarding the current leadership development solutions.

  • Here is a survey of CEOs from large MNCs – from a couple of years ago.  While 89% of the CEOs considered leadership development a top priority, only 10% believed that their leadership development has a clear business impact. Numbers are similar in multiple surveys over the years.
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) concluded – “Companies Invest in Leadership Development, but the Money Is Largely Wasted.”
  • Kristi Hedges rightly pointed out in her aptly titled article in Forbes – “If You Think Leadership Development Is A Waste Of Time You May Be Right.”

The current way organizations are developing leaders is simply not working.

Is there a better way to develop leaders that provide guaranteed and measurable results?

The answer is yes!  First, let me discuss one of the largest studies on what makes leadership programs effective.

What makes a leadership development program really effective?

Marshall Goldsmith and Howard Morgan studied various leadership development programs at 8 MNC companies, involving 86,000 leaders. The companies varied in size, type of business, industry, number of leaders, and leaders’ levels.

  • Lessons from 86,000 leaders at 8 large multinational companies
  • What was common to all these leadership development programs?
  • What didn’t matter to their effectiveness of leadership development?
  • What really mattered?

Read the article on What really makes a leadership program effective.


Here is the conclusion in brief.

  • This is the key effectiveness of leadership development programs and behavior change at work.
  • If your leadership program doesn’t have consistent follow up as part of the program design – don’t waste your money on it!
  • Along with a well-defined leadership development process, consistently follow up with stakeholders is the key to the ANY leadership development initiative’s effectiveness.


Learn more about the GLA 360 tool and download a sample report

Evolution of people development – Leadership training vs. leadership coaching

Some companies regularly conduct so-called leadership training programs. This is to check the boxes and for ISO requirements – how many pieces of training, how many man-hours, etc.

Other companies may have realized that they need to measure impact. Now, most companies measure Kirkpatrick’s first level evaluation – which is jokingly known as the feel-good feedback – whether the participants liked the training or not.

A few companies have evolved to the next stage. They realize that “training programs” are NOT having any business impact. Then they opt for long-term training intervention instead of just short-duration training programs. They add assessments and follow-up to help on job behavior change of the leaders. Even then, the statistics on leadership interventions’ effectiveness, even those from big named B schools and top-notch vendors, are depressingly low.

Companies or L&D depts do this training for years, sometimes decades, with little impact on the performance.

Boston Consulting Group (BCG) concluded – “Companies Invest in Leadership Development, but the Money Is Largely Wasted.”

Progressive companies and individual leaders realize today – that leadership development training is a waste of time. A minority of the companies have realized that Coaching is the most effective way to change the leader’s job behavior and have a business impact! They invest in coaching. It includes individual assessments. It is customized to each leader’s needs. There is consistent follow-up over a long period of time. There is 360-degree feedback, regular progress assessments, and individual coaching.

Why waste time, money, and years of effort on training that have little business impact. Instead, get the LMC – coaching for your leadership development.

LMC individual assessments, personalized coaching, customized curriculum, and scientifically designed online platform help you change job behaviors and regular assessments. Unlike training that only creates awareness and intellectual knowledge, LMC focuses on applying at work and lasting behavior change.

Get leadership coaching for your leadership development.

Now there is a perception that coaching is expensive. But that is incorrect. Compare the cost of coaching for an entire year with getting a certification

or attending a one-week-long leadership program at a B school; it will cost you more than entire years’ worth of coaching. While training and certifications mostly end up forgotten in a few days, coaching delivers a measurable ROI for years to come.

Get 15-day test drive ALL access to LMC now and become an inspiring leader.


Leadership training vs. Leadership masterclass 

Think about the last leadership program you attended in the past. You probably learned a leadership model or a case study and gained some intellectual knowledge. How much of it did you apply at work? Did it change your on-job behaviors? Statistics show that most leadership programs do nothing more than waste the money and time of the participants.

Kristi Hedges aptly pointed out in her article in Forbes magazine – “If You Think Leadership Development Is A Waste Of Time You May Be Right.”

I may read a book on 100 ways to appreciate a team member, but don’t apply a single one! What good does that do? Nothing!

Leadership masterclass is different. The entire focus is on learning by doing. Applying it at work along with your team. Changing long-ingrained behaviors at work and forming different and better habits. As long as you commit to completing the daily actions – in about 30 minutes a day, you will change your work behaviors and be recognized by your team members for doing so! LMC is both time and cost-effective solution for your leadership development.

Is leadership behavior change easy?

Think about a leadership area where you can improve to become a better leader. Most leaders select one or more of the following areas.

  • Manage team performance better
  • Listen to and involve team members.
  • Emotional control in stressful situations
  • Communicate more effectively
  • Delegate more effectively
  • And dozens of other such behaviors.

So here is a question. How long have you been trying to get better? Most leaders say that it has been years! How much does it cost you in terms of your leadership brand value? Now think about a few of the leaders in your organization. Do they exhibit one or more of these ineffective habits? What could this be costing you and your team in terms of team cohesion and performance? DDI estimates that the cost of a single poor leader at $126,000 per year!

With leadership masterclass, we deliver measurable growth in the leader’s bottleneck areas – as anonymously assessed by the leader’s own team members.

Behavior change is one of the most difficult things to do. It is simple to understand but very difficult to implement consistently! For successful leaders like you, it is even more difficult! No wonder we carry these ineffective habits for years, even decades.

LMC – the free online leadership program – is designed to help you with positive behavior change at work. It simply works! We deliver measurable leadership growth – guaranteed!

Read: Leadership Feedback & the CEO disease!


Organizational Culture Change – leadership masterclass for your leadership team

Every leader has some strengths that make them successful. Every leader also has some bottlenecks that prevent them from achieving further leadership success. Leaders need to leverage strengths and improve in their bottleneck areas to achieve the next level of success. LMC allows you to do exactly that. Leverage your strengths and overcome your bottlenecks.

Now imagine that in your organization, the top leadership team goes through the LMC. Each of these leaders improves in their bottleneck areas and leverages their strengths. What would that mean to the performance of the organization? It will change organizational culture to a more open, focused, and high-performance culture. Get LMC for your top leadership team to institute organizational culture change.

KF Hay group identifies 5 factors that impact the organization and account for 65% of the bottom line. What about the other 35%?  Leadership behaviors account for 35% of the bottom line!  Leadership behaviors are the single largest factor and are the only factor completely in the organization’s circle of influence. Leadership development is the best tool to accelerate performance. Get LMC for your leadership team. It is the most cost-effective option. Speak with us for LMC for your entire team. We will deliver guaranteed and measurable leadership growth for your leaders, or we simply won’t charge you anything!

Leadership online masterclass – is an amazing value!

What does it cost to attend a 5-day leadership course at any top B schools – Harvard, HEC, Instead, IIM, ISB, etc.? You can check it yourself!  It runs into tens of thousands of USD per leader. Then add the cost of the leader’s salary for 5 days, travel and accommodation costs, and a lot more.

The worst part is that much of this training never converts into on-the-job behavior change.  Not because the content is not effective.  The content and delivery are definitely world-class.  However, behavior change at work never happens with a short duration program.  The content is general in nature and not customized for each leader.

With LMC, you will get all the tools for on job behavior change at a cost that is much less than a 5-day program at a reputed B school.  LMC costs less for an entire year of leadership coaching and customized learning.

  • A scientifically designed online platform
  • One-click, anywhere anytime, access
  • 2 live sessions per month with the coach
  • Customized actions and worksheets, and timely reminders help you take small actions daily.

Leadership awareness may happen in a training session, but leadership behaviors happen in real life when the leader interacts with his/her own team.  That is where leadership development really happens.


LMC excels in the on-job behavior change of leaders. 


Get 15-day test  ALL access to LMC now and become an inspiring leader.

Image credit -Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash



Which is the best leadership development program?

Which is the best leadership development program worldwide?

In this article, I want to discuss research and an evidence-based approach to making any leadership development program effective. It is based on a study of 84,000 leaders on six continents.  I will also talk about probably the best leadership development program in India and worldwide.

The business context and importance of leadership development programs

  • The business environment is highly competitive.
  • Change and disruptions are continuous.
  • Leadership development is one of the top priorities of companies – based on multiple surveys of CEOs and boards done over many years.
  • Companies spend significant sums of money on leadership development.

Is leadership development effective?

At some point of time or other CEO’s, boards and talent management professionals have asked these questions to themselves and to external consultants that offer and often claim to have the best leadership development programs –

  • Does leadership development work?
  • Does it have any measurable impact on leaders?
  • Which developmental activities are effective and which are not?
  • Which are the essential elements of an effective leadership program that helps leaders make positive and sustainable changes in their behaviors?
  • And which is the best leadership development program in terms of its effectiveness?

Most leadership development programsare a waste of time!

An estimated $62 billion was spent worldwide on leadership development initiatives in 2014.  And yet, the numbers on the effectiveness of leadership development programs are both shocking and depressing.

Watch: If you think most leadership programs are a waste of time, you may be right!  

Here is why most leadership development programs fail.

The primary reason for the ineffectiveness or failure of leadership development initiatives is the fact that there is a fundamental problem with most of them. 

Read: Why leadership training fails and the fail-safe solution for it

An extensive study of leadership development programs at EIGHT large multinational companies

In 2004, Marshall Goldsmith and Howard Morgan reviewed various leadership development initiatives in eight large multinational companies. It was a comprehensive study of over 86,000 leaders and executives globally, at these eight multinational companies.

Although the desired outcome for all companies was identical – sustained change in behavior at work – they used various tools and approaches.  It included classroom-based training vs. on job practice, short-duration training vs. long-term interventions, coaching vs. mentoring, internal trainers and coaches vs. external trainers or coaches, etc.

Are you doing leadership right.pptx

A variety of approaches to leadership development programs at these eight companies

These companies and their leadership development programs varied and included –

  • A defense contractor – Over 1,500 managers (mid-level to C-suite and the CEO) received a training program for two-and-a-half days.  Each leader went through 360-degree feedback.  An external consultant conducted the report sharing and debriefing session with the leader.  All leaders received three reminders to follow up with their colleagues.
  • A diversified services conglomerate – Over 6,700 managers (mid-level to C-suite and the CEO) received a two-day training program along with individual feedback from an external coach.  Participants knew that a follow-up and measurement after the program was part of the plan.
  • A telecommunications provider – Over 280 managers, including the C-suite team, received a one-day training, followed by multiple one-on-one coaching sessions with an external coach.

What was common to all these leadership development programs?

There were clear expectations established from the beginning.  Each participant had to

  • Take part in 360-degree feedback.
  • Have a debriefing session with an internal or an external consultant
  • Identify one to three areas to improve.
  • Discuss these improvement areas with their team members
  • Use the team member’s collective intelligence and observations to get suggestions on how to improve.
  • Routinely follow up with team members to keep getting suggestions for improvement.
  • Agree to be anonymously rated by their team members anywhere from three to fifteen months from the start of the leadership development program

gla 360 asessment

Different measurement criteria for leadership development programs’ effectiveness

Instead of using the Kirkpatrick’s first level of evaluation – often known as the feel-good factor evaluation – Goldsmith and Morgan measured participants’ increased effectiveness because of the leadership intervention.  This increased effectiveness – was not determined by the leader or the facilitator – but instead anonymously assessed by team members of the leader who had taken part in the leadership development.  It is like companies getting feedback from the consumers of their products or services.  Here, the product or service is Leadership, and the consumers are the team members of the leader.

So what matters most to the effectiveness of leadership development programs?

What causes on-job behavior change in leaders?

Besides the comprehensive study of 86,000 leaders at eight large multinational companies in 2004,  Goldsmith and Morgan also conducted a second study with 248,000 people in 2014.

This second study followed the stakeholder centered coaching process that has the following three steps.

  1. The leader got 360-degree feedback from coworkers and team members.
  2. Based on the feedback, each leader decided 1-2 improvement areas to work on
  3. The process of improvement included asking for regular feedback and suggestions for improvement from coworkers.

Regularly, monthly, or every couple of months, the leader had to ask the team members these questions.

  • How did I do during the last month or two – to improve my behavior?
  • Please give me suggestions on what I should do (or stop doing) in the next month or two.

Every 3-4 months, the leader was anonymously rated by his/her team members, through a mini-survey.  The question was simple – Has the leader improved in their chosen 1-2 improvement areas?   The rating scale was a Likert scale from -3 to +3 as below.

  • – 3 Much Less Effective
  • – 2 Noticeably Less Effective
  • – 1 Little Less Effective
  • 0 No Change
  • +1 Little More Effective
  • +2 Noticeably More Effective
  • +3 Much More Effective

It is the key to behavior change because of any leadership development program

Let us look at the following three graphs to understand the most critical factor essential for the success of any leadership development program.

Exhibit 1:  My Coworker Did No Follow up

This first chart shows the Likert scale ratings of leaders by their stakeholders at various companies.  Here there was hardly any follow up by the coworkers.  Exhibit 1 below looks like a standard bell curve distribution.   What does it show?  It shows that there was a negligible difference made because of the leadership development program.  Instead of attending leadership development, the leaders could watch TV, and you would still end up having a bell curve similar to the one in exhibit 1 below.

Best leadership program

Exhibit 2:  My Coworker Did Some Follow up

This second chart shows the Likert scale ratings of leaders by their stakeholders at various companies.  Here there was some follow up by the coworkers. Following up r The follow up meant that the leader involved the coworkers, and they provided feedback to the leader on his/her behaviors.  As you can see below in exhibit 2, the peaks are shifting to the right.  What does it mean?  With some follow up by coworkers, there was some improvement in the leader’s behaviors and hence the ratings.

best leadership development program india

Exhibit 3:  My Coworker Did Consistent, or Periodic Follow up

This third chart shows the Likert scale ratings of leaders by their stakeholders at various companies.  Here there was a CONSISTENT OR PERIODIC follow up by the coworkers.  The follow up meant that the leader involved the coworkers, and they provided feedback to the leader on his/her behaviors – CONSISTENTLY and PERIODICALLY.  As you can see below in exhibit 3, the peaks have shifted all the way to the right.  What does it mean?  It means that with CONSISTENT AND PERIODIC follow up by coworkers, there was a significant improvement in the leader’s behaviors and hence the ratings.

best leadership executive programs

It is a significant discovery. What didn’t matter?

  • The size of the company
  • The business or industry of the company
  • The leadership intervention type

What really mattered?

  • The leader’s willingness to listen to a team member’s perceptions (via 360-degree feedback)
  • The leader’s willingness to take action on improving and focus on just 1-2 areas to get better
  • The leader’s willingness to involve team members (they have a ringside seat to a leader’s behaviors)
  • Most important of all – consistent follow up of the leader with the team members and vice versa.

One additional factor that stood out from the best leadership program for executives

Leadership is not the relationship between the trainer and the leader or the coach and the leader.  Leadership is a relationship between the leader and her team members.  Kouzes and Posner’s study of Leadership for over 35 years proves this point.

To quote Kouzes and Posner

“Leadership is about relationships. Leadership is a relationship.  Leadership is a relationship between those who aspire to lead and those who choose to follow.  Through that relationship, leaders turn their constituents into leaders themselves.”


The best leadership program for executives in India and worldwide!

With the claim of the best leadership development program, there should be enough data to back it up.

These two studies – the first one in 2004 of 86,000 global leaders at eight multinational companies, and the second one of 248,000 leaders in 2018, proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that follow up is the key. It also proves that Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder centered coaching leadership development program in India and worldwide is the best and most effective leadership development program.

Here are the results to prove it!  95% of the people using this program improved.  Let me repeat that – 95% of the leaders using this leadership development program improved.

best leadership program

The best leadership development program worldwide 

  • Marshall Goldsmith’s leadership development coaching program is the largest leadership coaching program with over 3000 coaches in 55 countries.
  • We have used this process with leaders in a large variety of companies (across companies, across countries, across cultures, across industries) to deliver measurable leadership growth.
  • In fact, we are so confident that this process works – we often work with our clients on a no-growth no pay basis.  What does it mean?  If you hire us for your leadership development program, we will deliver measurable leadership growth – not as judged by the coach, or by the leader, but as anonymously rated by the leader’s team members!

NAL Triple Advantage Leadership Coaching

That delivers guaranteed and measurable leadership growth.  It is based on a stakeholder-centered coaching process with a 95% effectiveness rate (in a study or 11000 leaders on 4 continents).  It is used by companies ranging from startups to 150 of the Fortune 500 companies to develop their leaders.

Here are some of the salient benefits of NAL Triple Advantage Leadership Coaching

Time and resource-efficient: The leader does not have to leave work to attend training programs.  We go to the leader and her team.  And it only takes 1.5 hours per month. The rest of the time, the leader is working to implement with her team.

Separate and customized improvement areas for each leader: Every leader is different.  One size fits all approach doesn’t work.  Individual development areas for each leader aligned to the business strategy.

Involves entire team: Unlike most leadership programs, NAL Triple Advantage Leadership Coaching involves the leader’s entire team, and it has a cascading effect – increasing the team effectiveness and improving organizational culture.

The leader becomes the coach: for continuous improvement for leaders themselves and their teams. It is like kaizen for your leadership development.

Cost-Effective: Our entire one-year coaching engagement often costs less than sending the leader to a short duration leadership program at any reputed B school.

Guaranteed and measurable leadership growth: as assessed – not by us – but anonymously rated by the leader’s own team members.

Pay us only after we deliver results! : We work with many of our clients on a pay for results basis.  What does it mean?  If the leaders don’t improve, you simply don’t have to pay us.

Schedule an exploratory 15-minute conversation with our leadership adviser today

Click the button below.



Leadership is a contact sport by Marshall Goldsmith and Howard Morgan. 


What Clients Say about our Process – MGSCC

This is what clients say about our process – Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching (MGSCC) 


Marshall Goldsmith is a great author and world-renowned executive coach. His contribution to our group has been immense, and we have greatly benefited from his unparalleled experience and his knowledge.

G. M. Rao
CEO, GMR Group (India), Indian entrepreneur of the year


MGSCC helped GE HR professionals customize the coaching process for use with our high-potential leaders. Our internal HR coaches have achieved outstanding results with hundreds of our leaders. Marshall’s model has been a real win for us!

Linda Sharkey – Former VP at GE and Chief Talent Officer at HP



Upon completing the Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching certification, I have finally found a structured process with measurable outcomes that both my clients and I can identify with. In 14 years as a coach, I have never found a method I completely resonate with until now.

Lynn Blades – Executive Coach, Nike, UK


We were a very successful team that took our performance to the next level. With Marshall’s help, we identified our two areas and went to work. We used everyone’s help and support exceeded our improvement expectations and had fun! A team’s dedication to continuous improvement combined with Marshall’s proven process ROCKS!

Alan Mulally – Former CEO of Ford & Boeing


I have had the great fortune of working with Marshall for several years. He has helped me in so many ways.   I know that Marshall’s focused, practical, and insightful approach will help you in leadership, but even more important, it can help you in life!

Jim Yong Kim – Twelfth President of the World Bank


Marshall is a great coach and teacher. He has done a lot to help both me and our high-potential leaders. His approach is practical, useful, helpful, and fun!

JP Garnier –CEO Glaxo SmithKline Best Practices Institute’s top 20 CEOs


MGSCC is the most powerful process for behavior coaching I have come across. I feel more confident that in following Marshall’s process, people can change and that I have a tool to measure it, which is something unusual. The training team is very professional and supportive all the way through. It’s been a great experience!

Dolores Sarrion – Former HR Director, Kellogg & PepsiCo, Spain


As a Fortune 500 executive, I hired many coaches to work with my employees, with mixed results. When I started coaching, I searched for ways to ensure higher levels of success. After taking Marshall Goldsmith’s Stakeholder Centered Coaching class and using his approach for the last 3 years, there is simply no better approach. The success my clients have using the SSC approach is astounding, building real value for them and their companies. CEO’s give me their most difficult leaders and are surprised by the turnaround.

Jeff Ertel – Former VP of HR, Nestlé, US




Want to become a better leader? – Learn and apply the technique of DELIBERATE practice!-Opt 2

Want to become a better leader? Practice won’t help you get better! Understand and learn this other technique of deliberate practice to take your leadership to the next level! Practice makes you perfect? Right? Wrong!

Watch the full video to know how to become a better leader?



If you are enjoying watching this  you will love the following articles

1. Many of us have heard about the success story of the legendary leader Henry Ford, the assembly line and the Model T car. But there is also a relatively unknown and a darker story of Henry Ford’s equally spectacular failure!
2. What are the ego traps and Leadership Derailers leaders fall for?

3. Have you wondered how leaders really become leaders in the first place? Well, what you may know about leadership development may just simply be wrong!


We offer Marshall Goldsmith coaching in India, the middle east, and southeast Asia.  It is the best coaching program in India because it is exactly the same executive coaching process used by Marshall Goldsmith to coach CEOs of Fortune 500 companies worldwide and we guarantee measurable leadership growth or you don’t pay at all.

Here are some features of the Marshall Goldsmith executive coaching program

  • Guaranteed, measurable leadership growth as assessed–not by us–but by the leader’s own stakeholders
  • Unlike leadership training or executive education programs, it will involve the entire team while doing their day to day work
  • The leader becomes the coach, and this has a cascading effect on the team, increasing team effectiveness and improving organizational culture.
  • It is a system for continuous improvement for leaders themselves and their teams – although it is leadership coaching for the individual leader; we realize the benefit of team coaching through the involvement of the entire team
  • In a study of 11,000 leaders on 4 continents–95% of the leaders using this leadership coaching process improved!
  • This is the exact same executive coaching process that is used by 150 of the Fortune 500 companies to grow their leaders through CEO coaching and leadership coaching at C-suite levels
  • We are so confident of the process; we work on a no-growth no pay basis (don’t try that with other vendors, lol!)

Schedule an exploratory 15-minute conversation with our leadership adviser today

Click the button below



Or call/WhatsApp on

India: +91-6352681614

USA:  +1-772-801-6109

UAE:  +96897188006



Want to become a better leader? – Learn and apply the technique of DELIBERATE practice!-Opt 1

Want to become a better leader? Practice won’t help you get better! Understand and learn this other technique of deliberate practice to take your leadership to the next level! Practice makes you perfect? Right? Wrong!

Watch the full video to know how to become a better leader?



If you are enjoying watching this  you will love the following articles

1. Many of us have heard about the success story of the legendary leader Henry Ford, the assembly line and the Model T car. But there is also a relatively unknown and a darker story of Henry Ford’s equally spectacular failure!
2. What are the ego traps and Leadership Derailers leaders fall for?

3. Have you wondered how leaders really become leaders in the first place? Well, what you may know about leadership development may just simply be wrong!


We offer Marshall Goldsmith coaching in India, the middle east, and southeast Asia.  It is the best coaching program in India because it is exactly the same executive coaching process used by Marshall Goldsmith to coach CEOs of Fortune 500 companies worldwide and we guarantee measurable leadership growth or you don’t pay at all.

Here are some features of the Marshall Goldsmith executive coaching program

  • Guaranteed, measurable leadership growth as assessed–not by us–but by the leader’s own stakeholders
  • Unlike leadership training or executive education programs, it will involve the entire team while doing their day to day work
  • The leader becomes the coach, and this has a cascading effect on the team, increasing team effectiveness and improving organizational culture.
  • It is a system for continuous improvement for leaders themselves and their teams – although it is leadership coaching for the individual leader; we realize the benefit of team coaching through the involvement of the entire team
  • In a study of 11,000 leaders on 4 continents–95% of the leaders using this leadership coaching process improved!
  • This is the exact same executive coaching process that is used by 150 of the Fortune 500 companies to grow their leaders through CEO coaching and leadership coaching at C-suite levels
  • We are so confident of the process; we work on a no-growth no pay basis (don’t try that with other vendors, lol!)

Schedule an exploratory 15-minute conversation with our leadership adviser today

Click the button below



Or call/WhatsApp on

India: +91-6352681614

USA:  +1-772-801-6109

UAE:  +96897188006



360 degree feedback- A complete guide with free pdf questionnaire

360 degree feedback- A complete guide with free pdf questionnaire

What is 360-degree feedback? A complete guide of what, why, and how of 360 degree feedback with a free downloadable pdf questionnaire and a sample report. Plus 360 degree feedback best practices and guidelines.

What is 360-degree feedback?

Download the link for the 360-degree questionnaire pdf and the sample report at the end of this article. The 360-degree feedback is a talent management tool. As human beings, it is virtually impossible to see ourselves completely objectively.  The 360 degree feedback allows the leader to find the gaps between their own perception and how others team members perceive them.  The 360 degree feedback is usually administered to help mid to senior-level leaders increase their self-awareness and consequently support them to become better leaders. This tool allows leaders to see the gap between their own self-perception and how others view the leader.

Why the name 360-degree feedback?

In any work environment, usually, the feedback flows from top to bottom.  Most employees get feedback from their direct managers about their performance and behaviors, and they in turn give feedback to their direct reports. This feedback is unidirectional or from a single rater or a single source.   The direct manager’s perception can be inaccurate or biased. In contrast, 360-degree feedback comes from all directions. The word 360-degree refers to “all-around” or all directions as there are 360 degrees in a circle.   The 360-degree feedback is solicited from people who work above, below, and across the employee for a particular employee.  These are usually boss(es) or direct manager(s) (above), direct reports or subordinates (below), and peers (across).  Sometimes, 360-degree feedback can also include vendors or customers.  It depends on the role of the person undergoing the 360 degree feedback process. The 360-degree feedback is also known as multi-rater feedback, or multi-source assessment, as multiple people are rating a single employee, and feedback or assessment comes from multiple sources.  The United States Army pioneered the 360-degree feedback process and started using it in the early 1940s.  However, since the 1990s, it has gained popularity and become a permanent talent management tool for most multinational companies today.

Importance of feedback – an example

Let me give you an example to elaborate on the importance of 360-degree feedback. Imagine that you are in the soft drinks business and are planning to launch a new cola.  How do you ensure the success of this new product?  How do you ensure the success of this or any new product or service?

The customer feedback process

Here is a typical process most companies would follow. They concoct the cola and then offer it to some sample consumers. They then ask for their feedback on the cola. If most of the consumers like cola, you probably have a winner. Usually, this does not happen. You may get some feedback like – the cola does not have enough flavor, too much sugar, not enough fizz, etc. Based on their feedback, the product is modified. We then offer the consumers the “improved” product and ask them to provide feedback again. Usually, after a few iterations of feedback and improvement, you get a reasonable level of certainty that the product is likely to succeed. On the contrary, there are many examples of products and services that management was really excited about but was launched without proper customer feedback. Unfortunately, the customers did not share the management’s enthusiasm, and hence the products failed miserably.  The “new” Coke and Crystal Pepsi are examples of such products in the soft drink industry.  However, the importance of customer feedback is obvious and important for any product or service in any industry. Without good quality feedback from consumers, there is little chance of improving any product or service.


Who are the consumers of your leadership?

Now here is a question. If you are a leader, who are the consumers of your leadership? The answer is obvious, isn’t it?  The people who are at the receiving end of our leadership are our consumers. These include direct reports, peers, and bosses. Sometimes it can also include customers and suppliers. As mentioned earlier, the term 360 refers to feedback from all directions. From those who are above the leader, below the leader, and across from the leader.  The term multi-rater feedback or multi-source feedback refers to feedback from multiple raters and multiple sources. The purpose of 360-degree feedback is to help improve performance by providing the leader with an awareness of his/her strengths and weaknesses.

Why 360-degree feedback or multi-rater feedback?

The higher a leader moves up the career ladder, the less likely she is to get honest feedback.  When a leader moves up the career ladder, both the quality and quantity of the feedback are reduced. Leaders tend to get more positive reinforcement than critical feedback that may help them improve. This constant positive reinforcement often makes the leader think that everything they do at work is fine. In reality, that may not be true. The leaders only hear the positive aspects of their performance or behaviors.  They seldom get the “negative” or “constructive” feedback that is essential for improvement. Team members around the leader usually avoid giving any negative feedback to the leader. First, as human beings, we are uncomfortable giving feedback to anyone!   It is just a human tendency to avoid such an uncomfortable situation. Second, they may be afraid of the consequences if the leader may dislike their honest or critical feedback.  This is especially true if that person is your boss.  The perception (whether it is true or not) is that giving your manager honest feedback may upset them and can have career consequences.  Hence it creates a tough situation. While the leader needs candid feedback to get better, she hardly receives good quality feedback that will help her improve.

Using collective Intelligence and reducing biases

Turnow (1993) describes the rationale for feedback as follows 360-degree activities are usually based on two key assumptions:

  1. Awareness of any gap between how we see ourselves and how others see us increases self-awareness
  2. Increased self-awareness is key to improving performance as a leader. 

Hence the 360-degree feedback becomes a foundation block for management and leadership development programs. With feedback from multiple raters who work closely with the leader, team members’ collective intelligence provides a more comprehensive and accurate picture of a leader’s behaviors and performance. Besides, multiple raters minimize the biases inherent to any human interaction. The higher the number of raters, the more likely the individual biases will cancel out. This results in a more complete and more accurate picture of the leader.


Why is it difficult for leaders to get honest feedback?

There are several reasons leaders don’t get honest feedback as they move up the career ladder.

  • Leaders don’t ask for feedback!
  • Team members feel uncomfortable giving feedback.
  • Team members often don’t know how to give feedback.
  • Fear of consequences–fear that leader may take revenge.
  • The leader may get defensive when someone tries to give feedback.
  • People have learned to tell you what you want to hear (not what you need to hear!)
  • As leaders, we may really not listen nor act on any feedback, which stops any further feedback.


Get honest and constructive feedback.

That is where 360-degree feedback helps. It is anonymous feedback. What does it mean? It keeps the identity of people providing the rating or feedback hidden. The best way to get honest and useful feedback for leaders and senior executives is through 360-degree feedback. Similar to our cola example above, there is little chance of improvement for a leader without honest and constructive feedback. The feedback and improvement loop allows an employee or a leader to improve. Besides, 360-degree feedback is usually administered by an external agency not connected with the organization. This brings a neutral third party who is more objective. Feedback providers also trust an external agency more than an internal human resources team to protect their anonymity. gla360

How does 360 degree feedback work? 

Download the 360-degree questionnaire pdf and the sample report at the end of this article. Administering 360-degree feedback. The following are the steps in administering the 360-degree feedback process.


Select the raters

For each leader or employee for whom we administer, we compile the list of people giving the feedback. First, it is the leader’s own feedback, aka Self. Other groups are the boss(es), subordinates, peers, etc. Usually, the people who frequently interact with the leader are chosen to observe the leader and hence provide feedback. For each group, like subordinates and peers, there are at least three or more raters, and we average their rating. This helps protect the anonymity of individual rater.

Conduct pre-briefing sessions

Conduct pre-briefing sessions for both leader and the stakeholders The pre-briefing sessions are crucial for the success of the 360 degree feedback process. In general,  people avoid giving honest feedback, even in anonymous settings. It is important to explain to the stakeholders the benefits of the process to them, the leader, and the team. It is also important to assure their anonymity so that they can give honest feedback. It is also important for the leader to understand that feedback sometimes is like bitter medicine. It is needed if the leader wants to get better.  An experienced coach conducting the debriefing sessions can really set the stage for the 360-degree feedback efforts’ success. If this step is skipped or not done properly, it may compromise the entire process’s effectiveness.

Distribute assessments

Based on the competency framework (which competencies make the leader successful in his/her role), the competencies to be rated are decided. For each competency, we include several questions. We decide on the rating scale for each question. Usually, the rating scale is from 1 to 5 or 1 to 10. For a sample 360 degree questionnaire pdf, please click the link at the end of the article. We distribute an online survey link of the assessment consisting of the survey questions via email to all the raters.

Close the survey

Once enough raters have submitted their ratings, the survey can be closed, and the process then goes to the next step.

Analyze data and generate reports

Once the survey is closed, the online system crunches a lot of numbers. We then produce a detailed 50 plus report is then which can is shared with the leader and the sponsor (the Human resources department of the manager)

Host debriefing session

The debriefing session shares the report with the leader and has two objectives. The first is to help the leader make sense of the data and convert it into actionable insights. The second is to make the leader aware and help him/her accept the feedback and develop an improvement plan. An external coach certified and skilled in using the 360-degree feedback tool is the best person to share the report with the leader. Why? There are several reasons.

  • The external party not associated with the company brings in a neutral and unbiased perspective.
  • A skilled facilitator helps create awareness in the leader’s behavior without causing resentment.

It makes the leader aware of her strengths and improvement areas in terms of the perception of all team members. Usually, the leader also prepares an individual development plan as part of the debriefing. Read the article: Everything you ever wanted to know about executive coaching.

360 degree assessment for coaches

Hiring a leadership coach to debrief

A skilled coach helps the leader to interpret the results of the feedback.  The coach helps the leader convert data into actionable insights. The coach also helps develop an IDP or individual developmental plan. Some companies are under the incorrect impression that providing feedback will motivate the leader enough to change. However, research has shown that these plans hardly ever get converted into consistent actions by the leader. After the feedback session, hiring an executive coach drastically improves feedback, resulting in behavior change at work. Without proper support and follow-up, the value of 360-degree feedback can diminish, and it may lose credibility and cause distrust in employees to undergo this process. Read: How to find the best executive coach for you or the leaders in your organization.

360 degree feedback advantages and disadvantages


What are the advantages and disadvantages of 360-degree feedback?


Advantages to the leader

  • It increases the self-awareness of the leader.
  • Help identify strengths and improvement areas.
  • Starts an open dialogue around the leader’s behaviors and their impact
  • It can act as a launchpad for the leader’s improvement and career growth.


Advantages to the team

  • It gives a voice to all team members on how they see the leader’s behaviors.
  • The leader’s openness to receiving feedback cascades down and improves team dialogue
  • It improves team communication and engagement.


Disadvantages of the 360-degree feedback

  • If not administered correctly, sometimes it may deliver biased feedback, either too positive or too negative.  Hence it is important to sensitize the leader and the raters of their roles and responsibilities.
  • It is time-consuming and tedious. Hiring an external consultant who has expertise in the 360-degree process helps a lot. They can help improve both the quality and speed of the process.
  • In a culture of high distrust, it may spoil relationships between the team and the leader.


360 degree feedback Guidelines and best practices

What are some guidelines and best practices to implement 360-degree feedback?

  • Agreement, involvement, and support of the top management – they should themselves take part in it and encourage others also.
  • Use it as a developmental tool and not for performance management.
  • Select the relevant competencies and design questionnaires based on them.
  • Ensure that the leaders understand the benefit and are not threatened by the process
  • Keep the questions short, simple, understandable, and specific.
  • Sensitize the stakeholder, assure anonymity, so they share honest feedback
  • Ideally, get an external agency with expertise in this process which can help ensure all the above points.  We can help.  Find out more about our 360-degree tool that is used by everyone from startups to Fortune 500 companies. 
  • Conduct a debriefing session that generates awareness and acceptance in the leader
  • Prepare a development plan – and Individual development plan or IDP
  • Follow up with executive coaching sessions to help leaders form new habits and change behaviors successfully – read more about what executive coaching is and how it can help. 


Which is the best 360-degree feedback tool?

For mid-management to C-suite levels, probably the best tool is the Global Leadership Assessment or GLA 360 tool.  

What Is the Global Leadership Assessment GLA 360?

The Global Leadership Assessment (GLA360) is a 360-degree feedback tool based on extensive research and designed and tested by Dr. Marshall Goldsmith. He has been awarded and recognized worldwide and is considered the #1 Leadership Thinker and the Executive Coach to Fortune 500 CEOs. The research included the CEOs of Fortune 100 companies, global thought leaders and their inputs, and international business executives of multinationals on six continents. A statistician creates most assessments. In contrast, the GLA 360 is created based on inputs by the leaders and for the leaders. A real-life leader, in all likeliness, will know a lot more about leadership than an academician or a statistician. You are assessed on competencies that have made real leaders in multinationals successful. You are compared with actual leaders, which gives a more accurate assessment helpful in the real world. The GLA 360  measures the following 15 competencies that matter to real leaders on 6 continents. It shows leaders the areas they need to develop to succeed in a competitive business environment. 360-degree feedback

Comprehensive survey

  • Easy to administer as an online survey including data collection monitoring – anywhere in the world
  • 15 competencies in 5 clusters, scientifically validated
  • 72 questions (5 points Likert scale) plus 3 open questions for verbatim feedback
  • Norm group of 2,800 international leaders from a wide range of countries, ethnicities, ages, organizational levels, industries, and educational backgrounds
  • Available in multiple languages (English, Chinese (Simplified), Polish, Dutch, German, and French)

Get the best 360-degree feedback tool for your team.

We offer GLA 360, a tool designed by the world’s number 1 leadership thinker Dr. Marshall Goldsmith.  It is based on solid research and compares your scores to a norm group of successful leaders worldwide.  We can administer the 360-degree feedback for you or your team anywhere globally and in multiple languages English, Chinese (Simplified), Polish, Dutch, German and French.

Cost-Effective & All-Inclusive Solution

360-degree feedback is an effective tool for leadership development.  It is also complicated and requires the expertise of a certified professional to understand.  We offer a cost-effective and all-inclusive solution for your 360 degree needs.

Here are the inclusions

  • Globally used and validated GLA 360 instrument designed by the world’s number 1 leadership thinker Dr. Marshall Goldsmith
  • Unlimited number of respondents or raters for each leader
  • Available worldwide in multiple languages
  • Complimentary sensitization session for leaders via video call
  • Complimentary sensitization session for raters (team members of the leader) via video call
  • Individual and confidential behavioral Interviews with ALL team members of the leader
  • Report generation – detailed report that is 50+ pages
  • Quantitative/objective – 360 degree feedback report
  • Qualitative/subjective – Compilation of the feedback from the interviews
  • Debriefing session with the leader to Decide the leadership growth areas for the leader
  • Confirm the growth areas with the leader’s manager and/or HR
  • Help the leader prepare an IDP (individual development plan)
  • Start the executive coaching for the leader and deliver guaranteed and measurable leadership growth (optional)

Schedule an exploratory 15-minute conversation to explore the GLA 360 tool – We deliver it virtually across the globe.  Click the button below to schedule a conversation. SCHEDULE NOW!

360-degree questionnaire pdf 

What are some sample 360 feedback questions? The GLA 360  instrument we use measures the 15 competencies that matter to real leaders on 6 continents. It shows leaders the areas they need to develop to succeed in a competitive business environment.    We can group the feedback providers or raters under the following groups.

  1. Boss (or bosses)
  2. Peers
  3. Subordinates
  4. Others
  5. Vendors (only if required)
  6. Customers ( (only if required))

Here is a sample question under self-awareness competency “Is aware of how his/her actions and decisions affect others.” The raters give a score of 1 (being lowest) to 5 being highest. So, in this case, if the rater thinks that the leader is quite aware of his actions and decision on others, she may rate the leader a 4 or a 5. On the other hand, if the leader is clueless about how his behavior or actions affect others, he may rater the leader a 1 or a 2.

Download a sample 360-degree questionnaire pdf and the sample report by entering your details below


Next steps post the 360 degree feedback. 

What is the next step after the debriefing session?  Debriefing session creates awareness of the leader’s strengths and improvement areas.  The leader will also prepare an IDP.  Is that enough for behavior change and improvement?  Unfortunately, the answer is no.  Not because the leaders are not committed or lazy.  But because leaders get busy.  They handle relentless demands from multiple stakeholders.  Urgencies and emergencies are a norm and not an exception.  In such an environment, the individual development of the leaders takes a back seat, and things go back to their default mode. Leadership development has similarities to fitness goals.  Can you lose weight and get fit on your own?  Of course, you can.  But as we all know from personal experience, it is not so easy.  Fitness goals often top the new year’s resolution lists.  Gyms are crowded in the first week of the new year.  By Valentine’s day – crowds at the gym are back to normal.  Instead, if you hired a personal trainer to help you achieve your fitness goals – would that improve your chances of success?  Research shows that the chances go up 1100%    Similarly, you can achieve your leadership development goals on your own.  But we know from experience that it is not easy.  Hiring an executive coach increases your chances exponentially.  

360 degree feedback for leadership development and Executive Coaching for your leaders

We offer Marshall Goldsmith executive coaching worldwide.  It is the best coaching program because it is the same executive coaching process used by Marshall Goldsmith to coach CEOs of Fortune 500 companies worldwide. We guarantee measurable leadership growth, or you don’t pay at all. We are also offering Global Leadership Assessment GLA 360 and executives across the globe. We can administer the GLA 360 for any country in the world online available in multiple languages ( English, Chinese (Simplified), Polish, Dutch, German, and French) Read: Which is the best leadership development program?

We offer our New Age Leadership – NAL Triple Advantage Leadership Coaching.

That delivers guaranteed and measurable leadership growth.  It is based on a stakeholder-centered coaching process with a 95% effectiveness rate (in a study or 11000 leaders on 4 continents).

It is used by companies ranging from startups to 150 of the Fortune 500 companies to develop their leaders.

Here are some of the salient benefits of NAL Triple Advantage Leadership Coaching

Time and resource-efficient: The leader does not have to leave work to attend training programs.  We go to the leader and her team.  And it only takes 1.5 hours per month. The rest of the time, the leader is working to implement with her team.

Separate and customized improvement areas for each leader: Every leader is different.  One size fits all approach doesn’t work.  Individual development areas for each leader aligned to the business strategy.

Involves entire team: Unlike most leadership programs, NAL Triple Advantage Leadership Coaching involves the leader’s entire team, and it has a cascading effect – increasing the team effectiveness and improving organizational culture.

The leader becomes the coach: for continuous improvement for leaders themselves and their teams. It is like kaizen for your leadership development.

Cost-Effective: Our entire one-year coaching engagement often costs less than sending the leader to a short-duration leadership program at any reputed B school.

Guaranteed and measurable leadership growth: as assessed – not by us – but anonymously rated by the leader’s own team members.

Pay us only after we deliver results! : We work with many of our clients on a pay for results basis.  What does it mean?  If the leaders don’t improve, you simply don’t have to pay us.


Schedule an exploratory 15-minute conversation with our leadership adviser today

Click the button below. SCHEDULE NOW!


Summary and Conclusion

  • 360-degree feedback is one of the best tools available for the development of managers and leaders. 
  • It increases the self-awareness of the leader and hence leads to improved leadership behaviors.
  • Hiring an external agency is the best way to implement 360-degree feedback. 
  • Feedback report sharing and preparing developmental plans are essential.
  • Using a leadership coach’s services can help leaders convert the IDPs into action plans into job behavior change and improvement.
  • Download our FREE 360-degree questionnaire and sample report.
  • Or connect with us to get GLA 360 degree assessments and multiple value additions for one low price for your leadership team, delivered anywhere globally, in multiple languages English, Chinese (Simplified), Polish, Dutch, German and French.

References Human Resource 360 Degree Feedback by Mohammad Rouhi Eisalou Harvard Business Review


Relationship Economics & Crisis Leadership

How is Covid-19 Crisis impacting us?

How to cope, survive & thrive.

Relationship Economics Co-create & CRISIS LEADERSHIP with David Nour

Click on the video below to play



1. Intro and David’s Inspiring Story 0:00
2. Relationship Economics 2:05
3. Importance of Relationships 5:17
4. Nurturing Business Relationships 8:14
5. Measuring Relationships 15:44
6. Co-create – Profit from Collaboration 25:19
7. Co Create Real Life Corporate Examples 28.29
8. Hollywood Talent Model 35:43
9. Pivot or Perish in Covid19 age 38:38
10. What are Curve Benders? 45:44
11. Two Factors for Future Business & Job Security 51:25
12. How is Covid-19 Crisis Challenging Our Assumptions 54:19
13. Surviving & Thriving in Disruptive World 1:01:26
14. How are CEOs Dealing with the Crisis 1:04:01
15. List of FREE Resources 1:12:39
16. Concluding thoughts and advice 1:14:27


  1. What is Relationship Economics
  2. Co-Create
  3. Curve-Benders really about. – Next book your 11th and also the podcast!
  4. How has your focus changed amid the current coronavirus pandemic?
  5. What are you hearing in the market from your CEO relationships?



5. New Leadership Blog https://newageleadership.com/blog
6. New Age Leadership YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNAWKXMWzpDfibQqFM3axxw

Contact us anytime

Tushar Vakil

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