Tushar Vakil

Accepting Guest posts (Write for us!)

Why should you write a guest post for us?

Our website newageleadership.com gets an average monthly traffic of 8000 plus visitors

The website has a domain authority of 60 which is considered very good

Here are some benefits to you:

  • Reach new audiences
  • Build your online brand and influence
  • Drive quality traffic to your website
  • Increase your subscriber base
  • Help improve the ranking of your own website

What are some article topics for a guest blog submission?

You may write and submit a guest post on any of these topics

  • Leadership
  • Executive coaching
  • Team coaching
  • Organizational culture
  • Psychological safety
  • Any related topics are also OK


  • Articles must be original, interesting, and include helpful advice and tips for our readers
  • Articles must be original and not published elsewhere
  • Articles must be 1000 words or longer and include at least one copyright-free image (or have secured permission to use the image).  You may also add infographics, videos, etc. as well
  • No plagiarism – please attribute and give proper credit to quotes, data, research, etc.  We will check for plagiarism.
  • Use paragraphs and sub-headings for readability
  • Check for spelling and grammar before submitting
  • Articles should not be self-promotional or spam.
  • We will include a brief bio (100 words or less) of the author along with a picture (headshot 250 by 250 pixels) and a single backlink to your website (as long as it is not a spam website)
  • Minor changes may be made to your article to polish the content for grammar, style, clarity, etc. You will get the opportunity to preview the changes before it is published.
  • Once published, we reserve the right to update the article as we see fit.  The article remains your intellectual property.

Please note that we are loyal to our readers first. We reserve the right to decide which articles to publish based on whether we think they will be useful to our readers or not. Whether we publish it or not, your article remains your intellectual property.

How to submit your article/post?

Once you have met the above guidelines, share your article and bio at info@newageleadership.com

Reach out at the same email if you have any queries.

Contact us anytime

Tushar Vakil

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