Tushar Vakil

Team building without time wasting


Today’s complex and interdependent work requires cross functional teams. Improving individual leaders is necessary but not sufficient. How a team of individual leaders interacts and works together will determine the effectiveness of the team.

How do you improve both the leaders and the teams at the same time? In this workshop – Team building without time wasting – you can accomplish both these goals. Improve individual team members AND improve the team functioning at the same time.


  • Support the growth of individual leaders
  • Improve team effectiveness at the same time
  • Highly interactive and energetic session
  • Time efficient for busy leaders
  • Based on 15 competencies of global leaders

Workshop deliverables:

  • The team brainstorms and decides a common improvement areas for all team members
  • Each participant discovers and decides one individual improvement area
  • Team members learn the highly effective process of feed forward
  • Team prepares an action plan to continue to improve further
  • Based on 15 competencies of global leaders
  • Peer interaction, support and accountability via online platform
  • Reading material in soft copy – 50+ pages


  • Internal teams in companies
  • Can be a departmental team (e.g. sales team), or a cross functional team (e.g. a project delivery team).
  • Team size 8-12 members
  • Middle management to C-suite level teams

Session details:

Delivered via Zoom using interaction tools – Two half day sessions OR On site (in-person) with one full day session

If you have any query schedule a quick 15-minute call by clicking the button below or call Mehul 0n +91 8141788070

Contact us anytime

Tushar Vakil

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