Tushar Vakil

Free Resources

Google’s Project Oxygen Questions- What the Best Manager’s Do

Google is one of the most successful companies today. It is also one of the most analytical and data-driven organizations. They rely on hard data rather than opinions. As leadership development is both science and an art, how does Google handle leadership assessment and development? How does Google identify if someone has the potential to be a great manager or leader? Google’s Project Oxygen worked on answering the question. Read further about google’s project oxygen and download the 13 questions you may use to identify potential leaders in your organization. Click the link below to download.

Download here – Project Oxygen

Google’s Secret Recipe to Build a High-Performance Team – Webinar

Today’s complex and often global work is done through projects involving multiple people working in teams. No individual can do it alone, and more and more work is team-based. And yet, almost all of the talent management efforts are geared towards measuring, managing, and improving individual performance! Click the link below to download.

21 Leadership quotes by Marshall Goldsmith

Marshall Goldsmith is considered the number one leadership and executive coach and has won numerous awards for his work. Here are 21 leadership quotes from Marshall Goldsmith from three of his most popular books, What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, Mojo, and Triggers. Marshall Goldsmith’s leadership quotes are witty, inspiring, and insightful. Enjoy reading them and applying them. Click the link below to download.

Leadership Power Questions

Great leaders ask great questions. They know that if they come up with all the answers, the chances of having anyone else buy into the solution are next to zero. But if their employees come up with the answer—if they feel ownership of it—there is a good chance to bear fruit. Click the link below to download.

Download here – Leadership Power Questions

The Art and Science of feedback – Leadership Webinar

We all know that feedback is essential for professional development and healthy relationships. Why do we avoid it, dread it, and even dismiss it? What are the 3 triggers that block feedback? The learning response to overcome these triggers. Click the link below to download.

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Tushar Vakil

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