7 reasons 360 Degree Feedback initiatives fail.

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360DF is one of the best tools for leadership development. And yet, many of the 360DF initiatives don’t go as per plan and sometimes fail miserably. For HR and top management professionals, it costs time, money, and reputation. Besides, one such bad experience makes it difficult to push other developmental initiatives.

Are you conducting 360DF in your organization for the first time? Have you already completed 360DF that didn’t quite deliver the benefits you had initially planned? This quick video and the detailed guide in the article will help you avoid the pitfalls and get measurable results and an ROI on the time, money, and effort. You can also schedule a quick no-obligation conversation by clicking the link below.

The 360DF process seems so simple, and I have outlined it in detail in the article. So why do so many 360DF initiatives fail in organizations? Here are seven reasons

1. Not selecting the right 360DF instrument

Often, HR departments use a standard 360DF questionnaire. Sometimes, they simply download such a questionnaire from the internet. That is a huge mistake. Use a validated and widely used 360-degree tool and questionnaire. Ensure that it compares your leader’s data to a well-defined norm group! Let me explain that with an example. I am a relatively healthy middle-aged male with hypertension( high blood pressure). Should I compare my daily blood pressure reading with a norm group of all the patients who visit a doctor’s office? Why or why not? It is obvious – anyone who comes to a doctor’s office is likely to be sick. If I compare my BP with that norm group, I may falsely assume that I am healthy. Comparison with a global norm group of leaders allows comparing apples to apples.

2. Not measuring and leveraging key competencies aligned to organizational strategy and goals –

Think of two companies Walmart and Starbucks. What are their strategy and competitive advantage? Walmart is a low-cost operator. They save money so they can offer the lowest prices to the customers. Starbucks, on the other hand, has built the business by providing outstanding customer service and experience. Do you know the critical 3-4 key competencies that are essential to organizational strategy and goals? BTW if you need help, we are the experts on 360DF. Schedule a quick conversation anytime by clicking the link below.

3. Not getting the buy-in and support of top management –

Enthusiastic HR and talent management departments understand the “benefits” of 360DF. Unfortunately, they fail to show these benefits to the top management. Top management is interested in the ROI of any initiative. HR must do their homework to convince them and show them the ROI of the 360Df process. No large scale organizational initiative can succeed without the buy-in and support of top management. Their involvement also sends a clear message to leaders that this initiative is important.

4. Not conducting proper pre-briefing sessions.

It is essential to sensitize both the leaders and their raters through pre-briefing sessions. Assure the leaders that the purpose of 360DF is developmental and not remedial. Sell them on the benefits to get their buy-in. Similarly, raters need assurance of anonymity of their feedback. They should feel safe and believe that candid feedback will not be used against them. Raters also need to see the benefit to themselves and the team to get their buy-in.

5. Ineffective debriefing or report sharing sessions –

The next step after the 360DF is a debriefing session with the leader. Delivering honest feedback to a successful leader is both a skill and an art. An internal facilitator may mess this vital step due to a lack of skills, experience, trust, or credibility. The leader may even resist or contest the feedback results. An experienced coach can easily take the leader from awareness to acceptance and action based on the feedback.

6. No follow up actions post the 360DF –

The ultimate goal of the 360DF process is to develop the leader. Preparing a proper IDP for the leader is essential. Sharing accountability with both the leader and their bosses is necessary. If there is not IDP, no actions, and no follow-up, basically nothing would change. When this happens, team members simply stop sharing their feedback. They think – nothing happens anyway, why waste my time!

To recap – here are the six reasons, and then I will share the final reason

  • Not selecting the right 360DF instrument
  • Not measuring and leveraging key competencies
  • Not getting the buy-in and support of top management
  • Not conducting proper pre-briefing sessions
  • Ineffective debriefing or report sharing sessions
  • No follow up actions post the 360DF

So coming back to the 7th and final reason why 360DF fails in organizations, here it is

7. Handling 360DF internally instead of hiring a qualified and external consultant –

Let me explain why? It is often difficult to get honest and useful feedback when HR is conducting the feedback process internally. There is usually history and some emotional baggage between employees and the HR department. As HR also is responsible for performance management, there is fear of career consequences. This results in a lack of trust. Employees often hold back and do not give honest and useful feedback, which jeopardizes the primary objective of 360DF. The 360DF process is best handled by experienced and qualified, and neutral external consultant.

Don’t take a chance with your 360DF initiative. Let us handle it in a way that delivers desired results, and still is cost-effective. A poorly implemented 360DF can be costly in terms of investment, time, and the human resources department’s reputation. Let us help you plan and deliver the best 360DF intervention that top management, the leaders, and raters will thank you for many years!

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