
The harsh reality faced by HR and L&D Professionals

As HR/L&D professionals, when we approach management for training budget, the question that we have to answer is – what is the ROI on the training budget.

This is a difficult question to answers as a lot of money spent on training generally goes to waste when the training does not result in the on-job behavior change of employees.

Training programs tend to fail due to many reasons. Employees have limited time and competing priorities. When employees leave work to attend a training program, it hampers the everyday responsibilities of employees and instead creates more pending tasks. When they return from the training sessions, they have to complete the tasks left behind in their absence, they tend to forget to apply what they learned in the training program.

 How effective are your training programs?

How was your recent training program?  How did you measure its effectiveness?  Most HR/Training departments measure level 1 on Kirkpatrick’s scale – known as the feel-good feedback.  Some measure the level 2 – which is usually a quiz to gauge if participants have gained some knowledge.

 Most training programs are simply ineffective

However, most training programs are ineffective in changing job behavior.  And this is the Achilles heel for training managers and the L&D department. 

HBR Survey – state of the training industry

Here are some interesting facts as stated by Harvard Business Review on short term training programs.

  • 75% of 1,500 managers surveyed from across 50 organizations were dissatisfied with their company’s Learning & Development (L&D) function;
  • 70% of employees report that they don’t have mastery of the skills needed to do their jobs;
  • Only 12% of employees apply new skills learned in training programs to their jobs; and
  • Only 25% of respondents to a recent McKinsey survey believe that training measurably improved performance.


BCG study – why are training programs ineffective

Boston Consulting Group – BCG cites 3 pitfalls that are responsible for the failure of short-term training programs

  1. Considering training as an event and not understanding that it is a process that takes time and reinforcement at work.
  2. Covering broad themes in the training programs, instead of focusing on 1-2 specific skills that are needed to improve the performance at work.
  3. Measuring and tracking the wrong kind of data on effectiveness – like man-hours, the number of training programs, satisfaction with the training programs, etc. instead of measuring and assessing the impact at work.

 How to make training programs more effective?

The best way to make any training program more effective is to overcome the 3 pitfalls that make a training program ineffective

  1. Training is NOT an event – Make training a process

Short-term or a one day or two days program usually can deliver limited content, though they sound inspiring and engaging. They may just be repetitive in nature, lack implementation and accountability.

The goal of a long-term program is to increase the engagement and bring in sustainable changes in people. They are more behavior-oriented and aim to get more returns on investment compared to a one-day program.

  1. Focus on and reinforce 1-2 specific skills throughout the year – instead of covering multiple topics and multiple pieces of training that don’t get converted into job performance.


  1. Measure what matters! Instead of measuring only level 1 and level 2 on Kirkpatrick’s scale, measure the level 3 – the on job behavior change in participants as a result of the training program


Our solution

We will help you design and implement, probably the most effective training intervention in terms of the application of the training concepts at work. They can be customized according to the needs of your organization. Short term training programs don’t work, long term training interventions deliver measurable results in terms of job behavior change.  Our training programs are designed to overcome the pitfalls that derail the training program.  We will simply conduct programs that have a measurable impact on the performance of your employees.

 Program Delivery Options (You may pick anyone)

Pre-training surveys and interviews to assess the needs and identify and address the issues or opportunities through the training program.

Customized Participant workbook

  1. One day per month training program for 12 months: Training in person at your premises. On job assignments to be done by participants in between the monthly training sessions.
  2. One day per month training program for 12 months plus weekly follow up via emails and a report for the HR and management of the activities and progress.
  3. One day training program for 12 months plus weekly follow up via emails and a report for the HR and management of the activities and progress. In addition, measurement tools – survey of participant’s stakeholder’s to gauge the on-job application of the learnings by the participant. Plus, individual one on one coaching session for each participant via video call.  Follow up during the entire one-year intervention.  Assessments every quarter to gauge participant’s progress and to course correct.  Post-training assessment and progress report for HR and management

We can quote the program fees once I have a proper understanding of your requirements.  But be assured that this probably will be the most effective training program that you may have encountered!

 Chief facilitator profile

  • Tushar Vakil is an executive coach and a talent management professional who is passionate about people development.
  • He has handled training coaching and consulting assignments in the USA, India, Africa, and Middle-East. Clients include top companies in India, the Middle East and some of Fortune 500.
  • He has also headed learning and talent management function in large companies in India (Kalpataru Group 2000 employees)
  • Headed learning and talent management function in the Middle East for Saud Bahwan Group for over 6500 employees.
  • Over two decades, he has trained, mentored and coached more than 100,000 people. His hobbies include reading traveling blogging and meeting people from all walks of life.


Our Vision

Our vision is to impart knowledge, skills, and attitude through our training and coaching interventions, to help you do more work in less time with less effort and less stress while building personal connections and lasting relationships with your constituents.

 Our Values

  • To consult and never to sell – Advise client what is in client’s best interest
  • Honesty, Integrity, and Transparency
  • Deliver more in value than we receive in professional fees
  • Strive hard for 100 % customer satisfaction and loyalty.


 Additional benefits

  • The content workbooks will be provided to participants for long term use so that they can use it as a reference.
  • The content can be exclusively customized for you, according to the needs and requirements of your organization.


 Training areas offered for the yearlong training program.

Please note that this is just a brief outline of the program.  The exact content will be decided bases on your specific needs.

Leadership: Managers to Leaders– What is leadership and what do leaders do? It is such a simple question and yet it is not so easy to answer!  Leadership means different things to different people in different situations. Even more difficult is to figure out what should one do as a leader – on a day to day basis – to enhance one’s leadership ability.  This program will help your managers to transition into leaders who inspire, motivate and energize to deliver today’s results and meet tomorrow’s challenges.


Change Management: Successfully Managing Change- Change management program is designed to assist organizations and their people manage the impact of change and provide techniques to plan and implement transformation initiatives.



Effective Planning & Scheduling– This program helps you in prioritization of work and determine how to have a clear process for lining up tasks and projects.



Becoming a Coaching Manager– If a manager wants to be a leader, he must develop the ability to coach others. It is the core skill required of every successful manager in the 21st century. The days of command and control leadership as a standard way of managing people are long gone. Coaching and collaboration have taken over as the most effective way for managers to lead. If managers do not become skilled at coaching their employees, it is unlikely that they will be able to achieve sustainable long-term positive results for themselves or their organizations. This program will help managers move through challenges, elevate their motivation levels of performance and promote better relationships within teams

So, why don’t all managers coach? Most likely due to one or more of these reasons:

They know only one style of managing – “telling”

They don’t understand the value or importance of coaching

They don’t possess the skills to coach others

Coaching is the quickest and most effective method of developing team members.  This course is designed to introduce managers and leaders to the coaching style and its practical application at work through tools, exercises and role-plays.


Emotional Intelligence at Work

Emotions can influence the way we act and react in the workplace. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to recognize our behaviors, moods, and impulses, and manage them in a positive way so that we can communicate effectively, empathize with others, manage stress, overcome challenging situations and defuse conflict. Emotional intelligence helps you build stronger relationships, succeed at work, and achieve your career and personal goals.

  • Course Coverage:

What is Emotional Intelligence (EI)?

Why EI matters in the workplace

Understand and recognize the core EQ skills

Assess your own emotional intelligence to identify current EQ strengths and development opportunities

Identify ways to exercise and develop emotional intelligence

Develop an action plan for increasing your emotional intelligence

  • Methodology:

An appropriate mix of group discussion, assessments, powerpoint slides, case studies, handouts, and videos.


Personal Development Boot Camp

This training will expose you to various soft skills and organizational tools and techniques to increase productivity and improve performance at work.



Problem Solving & Decision Making– Helps in increasing the awareness about problem-solving steps and problem-solving tools along with the ability to create a plan for implementing, evaluating and following up on decisions.



Public Speaking & Presentation Skills

The workshop will enable the participants to learn simple techniques to plan, structure and deliver effective formal and informal presentations. Video feedback and practice are included.


The Art of Execution –This program helps in understanding what gets into the way of completion and how to get work done and deliver results.

What derails consistent execution? In this session, we will go through the 4 Practices that are required for the flawless execution of strategy and to drive results. They are easy to understand, but it takes real work to make them an established part of an organization’s operation and culture.  In the second stage – The 4 Practices must be implemented as a process, not an event, with intact workgroups and teams with the involvement of the manager and the leader.  With the 4 Practices of Effective Execution, you are implementing a set of proven practices that meet that challenge of execution, successfully, every time.


  • Understand what gets in the way of consistently executing the strategic plans.
  • How to execute your strategic priorities and get results.
  • How to effect change in human behavior to achieve your goals.


Team building: Developing High-Performance Teams

Your success as a manager can often depend on how well your team operates.  How are their problem-solving skills? Are they enthusiastic and motivated to do their best?  Do they work well together? There have been hundreds of studies demonstrating that human beings function better and learn better in groups. If you want to develop your team leadership skills and unleash the talent of your individual team members, this workshop is a practical look at current leadership practices that work.

Train-the-Trainer – Inspire, Motivate and Educate – Train the Trainer program teaches you essential skills that trainers need to develop to present the content in an organized manner, involve the participants, and learn all the tools and techniques to make your training effective, fun and memorable:

  • Improve instructor skills to effectively prepare for, manage, conduct, facilitate and evaluate a training event
  • Use instructional tools and techniques to enhance instruction
  • Improve presentation and communication skills
  • Effectively motivate participants and engage their active participation during training



 I learned more about presentation skills in this one session than I had learned in the previous 10 years.  The practice session with video feedback was just great.

-Participant from L&T attended the workshop on Winning Presentation Skills

I really enjoyed the “listening exercise”.  I had never thought about how I listened to others and it will help me become a better listener.

-Participant from JMC Projects attended the workshop on Communication Skills

Outbound training on Teamwork really helped us to create a great bond with other team members and we will work more synergistically and accomplish our tasks in a given time frame.

-Participant from Linde attended the workshop on Outbound training on Teamwork


Coaching and leadership training are Tushar’s twin passions. I have had the privilege of being his coachee as well as a training participant. His stand-out attributes are his structured method in coaching and his engaging style in facilitation. These when combined with his experience in consulting and L&D, across multiple geographies and industries, he is as good as you can find in a professional. To top it, he is well-read and an avid blogger. Indeed, an ideal role-model to emulate! 

Arshad Nadamal – Head Learning and Development at National Bank of Oman

I have attended the program on leadership by Tushar. The content and delivery of the program were excellent. I heartily recommend this topic and this trainer to anyone.

Rajesh Yadav – VP HR and training (XLRI Alumnus)

If you want someone who can create awareness and change in the behavior of top leadership, Tushar is your man!  I can say that as his coachee in the year-long leadership coaching program, along with more than two dozen other senior leaders in our organization.

Executive Director, Dudhsagar – a subsidiary or consumer brand Amul with an annual turnover of 4000 crores


  • The environment was relaxed and humorous and the course was structured – COO from a Japanese MNC Joint Venture.
  • The subject was presented in a very structured manner and it was easy to follow and understand. Also, it was a very interactive and engaging – General Manager from an Indian EPC and energy giant.
  • The training was really inspiring – Assistant Manager HR from specialized Retail Financing Organization.
  • The sequence of the subject covered and case studies provided were excellent – Deputy Manager from a conglomerate with businesses in Resources, Logistics and Energy sectors.
  • The clarity of the subject was very good – Deputy General Manager from a Japanese JV company.
  • It was a knowledgeable session. The best part was not being monotonous and full of activities and interaction and examples – Talent Acquisition Specialist from an international conglomerate offering EPC services.
  • The training was captivating and easy to understand, tailor-made according to the need of the audience. Tushar is a great trainer, led the audience very well – Assistant Manager from Health Care industry.
  • Good stories and case studies of good leaders were shared – VP Finance from a Japanese MNC Joint Venture


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